

  • Yes, only when buying new brands or new foods to make sure their nutrition matches up with my regular foods.
  • Literally Everything but my favorites are: Chicken Rice Mac n Cheese Pizza Eggs
  • Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard, Chocolate and Cookies n Cream are my favorite flavors. It is reasonably priced and tastes good mixed with either water or milk.
  • Last time I was in GNC I got a 10 pill sample of OxyElite Pro. Honestly I don't notice much in terms of appetite suppression and I can't comment on weight loss yet because I haven't weighed myself since trying it out.
  • On a cold Friday afternoon, I had come home from school. I had been thinking of the gym all day. I was hungry, didn't have any lunch. In fact, I didn't eat because I spent the money. For the past month I was saving up for something. Something special which I bought at GNC. I was surprised they didn't ask for ID; I was…
    in Creatine Comment by IPAfan5 April 2012
  • This is what I do, I spend a few hours every sunday cooking up chicken breasts, vegetables, rice, beans, and measure them out for perfectly sized lunch and dinner portions for the entire week. It saves me time during the week and I will never have to worry about having a cheat meal because it is "more convenient" when I'm…
  • I mix mine with water, sometimes milk if I'm low on calories for the day. I keep mine simple because I don't want to spend time making the shake and then cleaning everything up afterwards.
  • You need to have a low BF% for your 6pack to show. So a good diet is what you need, cardio will help speed up the process.
  • Don't worry about too much about weight until you are 100% sure you have perfect form. Deadlifting is a great compound lift but can be very dangerous if don't incorrectly. Currently I am Male 6'1" 188lbs and DL 225.
  • I like the taste of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Cookies and Cream. Also the GNC AMP Chocolate is pretty good too. I would recommend getting a smaller 2lb tub first to make sure you like the flavor then buy in 5lb or 10lb quantities to save $.
    in protien Comment by IPAfan5 March 2012
  • Salad with balsamic vinagrette dressing and 2 cans of light chunk tuna.
  • There is a program designed for people who don't have money/access to gyms or weights. It is called Convict Conditioning, I haven't tried it but have heard it talked about. You can always fill a backpack with heavy things to do squats to add resistance for dips and chin ups.
  • You keep saying that your entire workout only takes 30 minutes total. Do you guys not do the warm up sets and how long do you rest between sets? I find that I am taking close to 30 minutes per exercise?
  • cheat meals.... NOT EVEN ONCE
  • Eggs $2.49 per 18 Tuna $0.99 per 3oz can Frozen Chicken Breasts $6.99 per 3 pound bag Greek Yogurt (Non-Flavored) $0.99 per little container Cottage Cheese (Don't know price off the top of my head) Cheese (Price Depends on variety and brand) Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Protein 5lb Tub $0.77 per serving This list…
  • If you had a home gym would you still get all dressed up to work out? If yes then good for you, if no then stop trying to impress other people.
  • I always do cooked weight because that is what it asks for in my food diary for serving size
  • You can't isolate weight loss to a certain area of the body. Also crash diets are not healthy and you will probably gain all the weight you lost back really soon.
  • Things I do that make me feel less hungry 1. More meals spread out through day (I eat 6 times a day and stay under 1500 calories) 2. Increase protein intake 3. Drinking more water
  • Honestly the ratio just seems like a bunch of broscience to me. I run over 15 miles a week I stay under 100g of carbs per day and don't have any issues.
  • I don't have cheat days because honestly I really enjoy all the foods I eat on my cut. If I did have a cheat day though it would be a chicken burrito bowl with black beans, no rice, corn salsa, and guacamole from Chipotle which is still fairly healthy besides the amount of sodium and slightly high amount of calories for 1…
  • I would say protein, it makes me feel full longer. Here is a sample of my daily meals which is usually around 1500 calories and I rarely get hungry during the day. Breakfast 6:30am 1 cup oatmeal 5 egg whites 1 whole egg 1 ounce fat free cheese Snack 11:00am 3oz baby carrots Lunch 12:30pm 4 oz chicken breast .5 cup of black…
  • Straight water, sometimes milk if I need extra calories for the day.
  • I'm doing SL right now and am on the 3rd week. I'll switch up DB and BB for bench and overhead press sometimes because we only have 1 bench and BB at our gym so I don't want to sit around and wait 15 minutes to use the bench. But for squat and DL I always do BB.
  • I drink it to supress my appetite a bit when I'm feeling hungry on my cut
  • Low fat cottage cheese Whey protein shake Cheese Greek yogurt Oatmeal All under 200 calories and loaded with protein to make you satiated longer.
  • I don't know if that would fit my macros for the day...