Morgan_Elizabeth24 Member


  • I'm at 289 (yikes!!) and am attempting to get down to 170/180. Feel free to add me! It's a crazy, long, sweaty journey but it's easier with peeps to lean on :)
  • In the same boat! I've been planning my wedding and kept getting discouraged when appointments got in the way of my workouts and eating healthy. I'm not trying to make miracles happen before I get married, but I'm just trying to eat clean (mostly) and get exercise in so I can feel good about myself. Good luck getting back…
  • Wow I haven't peeked on this topic in a while! So glad to see there are other Sacrament-ins (Sacramentons?) out there for support. You all are awesome! I'm still logging what I eat but I'm SO bad about keeping an exercise plan in motion - I get bored really easily. But I think I'm going back to P90X and Zumba! Gotta look…
  • Yep - I've got a LOT to lose! Doing it the healthy way, one day at a time. My goal weight is around 165 and I'm about 265 right now. I've lost about 18 lbs already though! There's a whole different mindset when you've decided to lose a lot of weight. It seems impossible, sometimes hopeless, and the results barely show for…