As long as my husband is getting it, he couldn't care less how long my leg hair is!!! Hello??
I have a heart with a keyhole on my forearm and my husband has a key (skeleton key) on his forearm... He has the key to my heart. We also each have tattoos for our children. Neither of us would get the other's name. Out of the question!!
done, thanks
Wish maybe you could add stretch marks and hanging skin and then maybe would be more accurate. I just don't have the firm stretchy skin of that model. Oh well
ditto on the old navy. :( cant wait to get to a weight when i don't mind actually buying decent clothes
Rex Wellness Centers!!! Knightdale, Raleigh, Cary, Garner, and Wakefield!!!!
Wake Forest!!
Level 1 Day 7 today and weighed in at 3 lbs lost. I took measurements on day 1 but don't want to measure again until day 15 at least (to see biggest results). I started with soup cans as weighs but now use 3 lbs weights (when i finally got around to the store to buy them) and those side lunges and raises are kicking my…