JessicaBlackman Member


  • I totally know how you feel, but by now I don't care anymore- I figure, hey I'm exercising, what are YOU doing with your life? grow up! Also something else that I find helps me, is to buy a heap of shirts with stuff written on them. e.g. one says 'drop the bass', another has a pinata on it with the captions 'i'd hit that',…
  • I'd count it as 'incidental movement'. It's not worth logging. Just consider it a bonus :)
  • Could be a range of factors- if you are female, perhaps you are bloating because time of month is coming up? Or perhaps, if you are down on your calorie goal by that much (500+ calories), perhaps your body has gone into starvation mode and is hoarding because it's stressed? Otherwise, if you have been exercising, you may…
  • Yes. If you have a trusted GP, go see them, they might have a recommended dietitian or be able to give you a referral if required. Ultimately seeing a dietitian and maybe even a nutritional psychologist is what you need to do :)
  • Hi, I have a fitbit One, which I LOVE, I wear it down my bra and it happily counts steps and calories all day long. It is more accurate than MFP, but not as accurate as a HRM because it has loads of other features. Can't recommend it highly enough though, and fitbit syncs with MFP so you can look at it all automatically!
  • Hi guys, thanks for all the advice and reassurance. I personally am not hugely worried about the period as I have spotted in the past. Yes MFP recommended I eat 1200 cals a day and I try to go to the gym most days, up to 200 cals lost. Do you think this is really unhealthy? I feel fine and have plenty of energy (no…
  • Try sugar-free jelly. You get it in the same place as the regular aeroplane jelly. It tastes amazing, and has next to nothing in it- but it makes you feel full and definitely satisfies the sugar craving late at night, which I also experience. Give it a whirl, I guarantee it'll help and keep those calories down :)