Cschwarze45 Member


  • Cut out the sugars and carbs. You can eat as many veggies as you want without increasing your calorie count much, and you will be able to fill yourself up. I find that it's the sugars and carbs that leave me wanting more. Everyone is different, you'll have to find the right balance for you, and be willing to make some…
  • 1 ½ cups warm water 2 Tablespoons sugar 1 Tablespoon yeast 1 ½ teaspoons salt 2 Tablespoons olive oil 4 cups flour Proof yeast in water and sugar for about 10 minutes. Add salt and oil. Stir in flour 1 cup at a time. Knead for 5 minutes until smooth. Cover and let rise for 1 hour. Makes dough for two 12” pizzas. This one…
  • The important thing is to just keep moving! Get your heart rate up, sweat, work toward a worthy goal. The more you enjoy it, the more likely you are to come back tomorrow for more. If you feel you need some variety, rotate in the other equipment. We all have our favorite form of exercise, and there will always be someone…
  • Double Dutch at recess! I could jump forever.
  • Thanks ladies, I appreciate the input. I've had this problem since I was a teen and first started running. My blood pressure has always been quite low, but may be different when exercising. I'll look into it. I'm just paraniod about medication.....and don't want to have to go that route. As for dehydration, I tend to have…
  • My exercise has never been able to be too intense, mostly because the headaches will ruin my day if I persist. But, I jog at the track. Usually walk a half lap before I get started and finish with walking a last lap. I've managed to work up to 5 miles, but I can feel my head start to throb when I add to the distance, even…
  • I agree with hemming. It's easier to find them a little long, at least they aren't too short! And it takes 15 minutes on the sewing machine, problem solved.... And as for jeans that fit, I don't think that ever gets easy. I'm discovering I may have to learn patients to shop and look a little longer for a fit I like. Good…