I havent tried any cake mixes yet, but I did try a name brand gluten free chocolate chip cookie mix and didnt like it very much. The taste was a little odd, and the texture was so dry and crumbly it was hard to eat them, they fell apart in my hands and I ended up eating the crumbs off the plate with a spoon. And gluten…
Thanks, I just went and got mine. It doesnt look like its a one day deal, lots of books are available for free on Kindle all the time. My Kindle I just got after christmas and its already jammed with free books. Some of them can be a bit tricky tho, it says its free for prime members but then lists a buy price below the…
I just finished Dance with Dragons, and at 67 years of age, afraid I wont live to see the next one!!!
I am the same way, I keep adding free books to my Kindle, which I just got at christmas time, I have a lot piled up, but also have a stack of regular books that I had gotten before I got my Kindle. Good thing I am retired and have lots of time to read.
I just finished A Dance with Dragons also, looking forward to the second season of Game of Thrones starting on HBO next week. Love George R R Martin. I read lots of this type of books, sci-fi and fantasy, also historical fiction, just started reading Lady of the Rivers by Philippa Gregory. I have read almost every book she…
You might also consider the hamburger, lots of the commercially made hamburgers, and all of the soy substitues are made with gluten added to hold them together. Its just a possiblity along with the others. I eat oatmeal all the time and have no trouble, but you have to become a real detective when reading the ingredient…
Let me introduce myself, I am 67 year old female, retired Chicago Police Dept. Looks like most of you are from much futher out west. I put in a 23 year career, and now collect pension checks. I have a 12 year old dog and we try to see who can be the laziest bum every day.
Is everyone from out west????