

  • Hi Cheryl! Just read your note about your move to WA, and I can certainly relate! I am 56, twice divorced with no kids. I was born and raised in CA and lived all up and down the state before moving to AZ in 1994, and fell in love with the Phoenix area right away. My folks moved from CA to join me in AZ in 2003. They…
  • My goal for May was to lose something -- ANYTHING! :laugh: And I did! I lost about 7 lbs in May, for a total of 14 lbs since April 6th. Just 64 more lbs to go! I'm just thrilled, and feel better than I have in years. But you're right, I need to get more specific in my goal-setting, so for June, I'm going to commit to the…
  • Hey Barbiecat! Just read your post about your travels and was SO jealous! I was born and raised in California and spent the last 2 years of my time in California in Redding, not far from the Oregon border. My folks used to take their RV over to Crescent City every summer and stay at a wonderful RV park called Hiouchi…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Marilyn and I'm 56 and have lost 12 lbs so far in my quest to lose nearly 80 lbs by this time next year. I can use all the diet-buddies I can get! Look forward to hearing from you! Marilyn M :drinker: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Just wanted to say "Hi!' to everyone! I have been on a Slim-Fast food plan for about 5 weeks now, and have lost about 10 pounds so far. I discovered your site because of the tag at the bottom of many of the posts on the Slim-Fast community forums. Very cute! I like your meal log page MUCH better than Slim-Fast's Meal…
    in Hello! Comment by mjmontgo May 2009