

  • I thought for sure that I had already posted on here but I guess not! I will be a junior at the University of North Dakota this fall double majoring in Accounting and Marketing with a double minor in Sports Business and Women's studies. I played rugby for my school's club team freshman year and am hoping to get back into…
  • Something to consider that I'm not sure if I read in other comments or not (there were a lot of comments!)... I'm not sure if you do any work with weights but if you tend to do strength training with high amounts of weights, it could be that you are burning fat but gaining the weight back in muscle. If you aren't doing…
  • Anyone feel free to add me! I'm training for a 5k in August and hope to do a triathlon (scary!) next summer, i like to give advice and encouragement!
  • Count me in as a sneakerhead! I've got 27 pairs (and counting!) of Nikes. My friends joke that they think I am more attracted to sneakers than I am to actual people haha. I'm trying to get into better shape than I was in high school when I played 6 different sports. I'm playing rugby at my university now and definitely…
  • I think I'm probably super late on this but I would like to join the next round! Name: Shannon CW: 240 GW: 150
  • Hey everyone! I'm Shannon, I go the University of North Dakota. I'm double-majoring in Accounting and Marketing with a minor in Sports Business. I have 3 part-time jobs (will be 4 this summer) and I always used that as an excuse to not work out. To be honest, I'm tired of making excuses. I just want to be healthier and…