WTF - weight loss in 5 months



  • LMiller81
    LMiller81 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi ! We're currently "MFPtwins" ... but I've been on only a few months and have lost about 7 lbs. I'm having a hard time breaking 170. I'll send you a 'friend request' . Add me if you're looking for some moral support, encouragment. Etc! Great job on your loss right now and keep me posted with waht you learn... I'm struggling to find my right intake as well!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    thanks guys and I don't want to sound like a *****, but the green eyed monster sometimes does raise his ugly head and I want to be a child again and stamp my feet "not fair!!!" I just feel like I have changed my life so much, and yes I have changed my body, but i work bloody hard now and watch what i eat, portions etc.

    Prior to MFP I was eating crap all the time and drinking wine every night - cos the kids were in bed and it was my time - therefore deserved it, 3 glasses later, munchies kick in and the big bag of doritos came out - with 'reduced fat' houmous - who was I trying to kid - the wine and crisps were probably about 1000 cals and then I take the mick somewhat by having a reduced fat dip - like I was thinking logically! lol.

    I turned 40 in February and i guess the realisation hit home and that's why I decided i needed to change things for me, for my children.

    thanks everyone for your posts and I hope to read more - with lots of comments and suggestions, recommendations, ideas etc etc.

    Has anyone ever had a personal trainer and a nutritionalist? I'm wondering whether this is something that perhaps i could look into - just to get their input and suggestions and then go it alone (I couldn't afford to do this on a weekly/monthly basis).


    I will be back on here later this evening or tomorrow but look forward to reading your comments. Off to Zumba and Kettlebell classes.

    Thanks again. xx
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Ok - quick comment:

    I don't generally eat my exercise calories - I eat my 3 main meals a day, regardless of whether I exercise or not. But if I am hungry then i will have an apple, or some reduced fat houmous on corn cakes etc (or a tube of smarties as a treat!)

    I have a HRM and adjust this with my weight etc.

    When I go out for a meal I always eat 1/2 to 3/4 at the most and try to over estimate the calories or don't include a 30 min walk I did that day to compensate the additional calories etc.

    thanks again. x
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    People's bodies react different to different methods... I guess that's why it's called being different :) Some people can just drop weight like it's nothing, but some people keep it on, and different ways of eating will help different people lose weight at different levels...

    And, FYI, that's not always true about how the bigger you are the faster the weight comes off. Lots of things come into play. It's actually harder for some people once they hit a certain stage of weight to get any pounds off at all in the beginning
    Once you break that 'barrier', and this seems to be true across the board, it becomes much easier to keep it coming off with consistency, but that initial 'barrier' point seems to be the difficulty in breaking, and finding for that matter, because it'll trick you into thinking that what you're doing does not work... Consider your body to be an addict... True addicts will do anything, say anything to get their next fix... Even so far as to trick themselves into thinking that what they are doing is perfectly logical and a necessary part of life... Your body is holding on to the weight while you make your changes holding out to see if this is actually the way it's going to be, or can it convince you to give up and go back to the way it is comfortable in...
    Maybe the methods you're trying are actually going to work for you and you just need to try them for a bit longer...

    Over all your weight loss is good... We all wish it would come off faster, but truly it's more important to come off healthy... If you're eating healthy, exercising and doing what you should be doing, then don't worry about the weight coming off right away. Just focus on those aspects... If several months of doing that nothing happens, maybe you need to talk to a medical professional. As annoying as they can be, they really can give you a different perspective and a direction to follow if you explain what you've done and tried.

    LOVE the addict analogy!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I'm sure this was what everyone else said but quit comparing yourself. To lose that much you probably have to start obese or a man. Your progress is great. Don't start switching plans around. The main skill here is patience.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    I agree that maybe cutting down the amount of bread you eat might help, as well as adding some veggies to your diet. I definitely notice a difference in my weight loss if I've been slacking on eating enough veggies.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone who posted. It's late now and I'm heading off to bed but I will reply properly.

    Thanks again. Xx
    CLCinNOLA Posts: 82 Member
    ChristineDiet, I know it must be tough under the circumstances. Life just isn't fair and sometimes this just gets thrown in our faces. But when the going gets tough, the tough get going (or so they say) so never give up. You have been losing, even though slowly, and when the excess weight is gone, it will be just as much gone as if it had been faster. Wish I had some words of wisdom to contribute.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    You may not be eating enough.
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    bump for later!!!***
    you're my twin, but I have to go home from work now, so I'll check this thread out tonight
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Lot of tweens on this topic !!!
    Join in february, lost 12 pounds (I think it's a bit more, but not more than 15).
    I think if you really overweight (300 or so) you're gonna loose faster at the beginning.

    Good things with exercises, even if you dont loose that much, it's still make your body looks smaller... and this is a goal too no ?

    I have a PCOS diagnostic, so I know it's long and slower that for the average person... but I understand your frustration. You can add me and we can see our progress !!

    Good luck :)
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I'm finally at my goal weight. Started out just under 200 pounds (possibly a little over, but I'm sure I wasn't getting anywhere near a scale at that time!). I was a size 18+ and now I'm a size 6. My current weight is just over 150 pounds, and I'm perfectly happy with it. So I've lost right around 50 pounds. But it has taken me over 4 years to get here!

    Every single body is different, and you have to do what works for you. What worked for me was slow and steady... and stalling from time to time. I have never netted less than 1400 calories per day on a regular basis, and I always eat my exercise cals. But that's what works for me. It certainly won't work for everyone.

    Stick with your program. You'll get there. You will eventually find your groove and meet your goals! And you have a wonderful support system here to help you along the way. :bigsmile:
  • cineshome
    cineshome Posts: 97 Member
    Just a thought, but you might be building quite a bit of muscle with those kettleballs (which is a good thing) and you have lost a lot of inches. I know you can't go backwards but I bet you have lowered your body fat percentage by quite a bit. I know this isn't a scientifically accurate thing to say but muscle weighs more than fat. Well, okay if doesn't weigh more than fat but it takes up a lot less space in your body. Just some food for thought.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Hey there... I am in the same boat...
    Started Jan 9th.. 5'10 SW 253...CW 235(depending on the day)... Started low at 1370... up'd to 1800... tried Primal... went up to 2100... went back down to 1500... now at 1750 after having my metabolism tested.
    I have tried eating back exercise cals and not eating back exercise cals. I still don't lose wt til the end of my period.... and then only a few lbs.
    all I can say is.. that has been consistent... I have lost 2-4 lbs a month for the last 5 months.
    and have come to accept it. 18lbs down in five months.

    I have read a lot and tried a lot and not much makes a difference. I have tried very high protein..high fat... low carb... and all variations around that.

    I have become ok with what I am losing because above all.. I am learning to change my way of eating. and living... and the longer it takes... the more it is ingrained in my head... and habits are formed hopefully for good.

    I don't stay exactly at my cals... i go under .. and I go a lil over here or there...
    And as of right now i am not eating back exercise cals.
    But I recently started working out with a trainer... and talkin to someone here that is a trainer...and decided to not focus on Calories.. but rather LBM... and my MACROS.... makes me more aware of what I am actually eating.

    But I stay in a range of 1450-1800... which is where the RMR testing suggested to lose wt. 2300 to maintain.

    I have also found that everyone has a story of what has worked for them...doesn't mean it will work for you. Only you can figure that out by trial and error. BUT I would try that in the healthiest way possible.... feed your body good whole foods...
    And you really can't go wrong.

    I am here for ya... feel free to friend me.

    Best wishes.

    ETA..... you have lost inches.. which in the scheme of things is way more important than lbs. The scale is a ***** .. and she can lie, lie, lie... so go by inches.
    and as I am sure you may know... muscle ways more than fat and takes up less space... so if you are doing any strength or resistance work... you are getting smaller! And yeah for that! isn't that the real goal?
    I know it is for me. I just wanna wear a size 12 and look damn fine!... who cares what lbs that is!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Hi. I've been on this MFP since 7th Jan 2012, so just over 5 months. And I have lost up to 20lbs, but currently at 17lbs loss (my weight goes up and down).

    I started off setting my goal to 1200 cals per day and was losing around 1lb a week but was advised by a lot of people that I should be eating more. I then tried eating more (for a month - 1600-1800) and gained 1lb every week, after the month I stopped and went back down to 1400, I waas losing some weeks, gaining or staying the same other weeks. I've then brought it down to 1300 and it's still the same, lose a pound, put it on, stay the same!!

    I have read so many stories on here, one recently about people that have lost 50lbs in 3-4 months, some 6 months, some 5 months - BUT 50lbs!!!! HOW??????

    I drink generally between 6 and 16 glasses of water every day.

    I burn between 2500 and 5000 calories in a week, a combination of cardio and kettlebells (lots of zumba, walking and the kettlebells).

    I am wanting to change my lifestyle, not go on a diet and therefore have been watching my portion sizes. I generally make my own food and therefore know exactly what goes in it. Yes i still have burgers, chips etc but i will also make sure I'm within my calorie count and when i do have them I generally don't eat the bun and will have half the chips at the most.

    I measure my food so that's correct.

    I drink lots of water

    i do lots of exercise (and mix it up with some weights)

    the weight is coming off but VERY, VERY SLOWLY. I'm just a bit disheartened when I see others, losing 50-60lbs at this stage.

    I started out at 219.5lbs CW 202.4 and I'm 5ft 8"

    Ok my measurements I started on the 12th Feb (I hadn't done it before):

    Neck: was: 15" now 14.1"
    Waist: was: 37" now 34"
    Hips: was: 46" now 43"
    Breast: was: 42" now 39"
    Thigh: was: 26" now 25.5"
    Upper arm: was: 14" now 14"

    I really feel I'm trying to do as much as i possibly can, walking up to school instead of taking the car, parking as far away as possible from the shops, walking to the park, literally walking as much as I can - this is in addition to my exercise classes.

    Where am I going wrong? Please help! (Lame man's English please as I don't understand the technical jargon - thanks.)


    Go back to the 1200 calories per day, you were losing on that, why change?

    Some people do not like the thought of 1200 calories, but if it works for you, do it.

    I did it for 6 1/2 months and got to my goal weight - losing 30lbs, it can definitely be done. The trick is OP, stick to your guns, stick to your calories and do it you own way. If you suddenly stop losing weight after being completely honest regarding your daily calorie intake, then you will need to recap, until then, go back to what worked, you will not starve, nor go into starvation mode, but you may just get to your goal.

    Do it!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    You may not be eating enough.

    Did you actually read the OPs post or have you just copied that phrase from other threads? Not being funny, but the OP is saying they indeed UPPED their calories and that is what actually started the whole weightloss to stop!
  • LisaEileen
    LisaEileen Posts: 185 Member
    I'm right there with you. I started in January too. It's really frustrating at times. I felt like crap when I was eating 1200-1500 calories. I got a Bodyfit Media to track my calorie burn so I know for sure how much I'm burning. I eat anywhere between 500-1000 calorie deficit a day according to what my BMF says I burn. I found out I actually lose better when I have a deficit of closer to 500 than 1000. But, even that isn't consistent with me. I did a round of Hip Hop Abs, then a round of Turbo Fire and now I'm doing a Turbo Fire/Chalene Extreme Hybrid. I walk the dog for almost an hour everyday. I am constantly on the go with my kids. I won't lose for weeks on end, then I'll lose 2 pounds. I'm like someone else who said they have been losing 2-4 a month. I really can't do much more than what I'm doing so I have no choice but to accept that this is how it's going to be. The only reason I have for me losing so slow is being over 40. I turned 43 in May. When I was younger and lost weight after having my 4 babies, I lost a lot faster. I wish I had more advise to give you, but it sounds like you're doing everything right. Just know I really feel for you and know exactly how you feel.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You lost 17 pounds and 10 inches? That's fantastic.

    I didn't read all the responses, but I did skim over the fact that you are eating 1400 calories and not eating back your exercise calories and burning a **** load during exercise. You really should be eating them back, or at least most of them.

    I don't know how old you are but your BMR would be in the vicinity of 1700 calories. If you are adding back your exercise calories, then your TDEE of sedentary is about 2000 calories. That is just sitting on your butt all day doing nothing, you can maintain at 2000 calories.

    There is no reason why you can't eat 1700 or 1800 calories and not lose weight.

    Anyway 17 pounds and 10 inches is fantastic. That's why you are not losing the weight, you are losing the inches.
  • kerr218
    kerr218 Posts: 7
    Something to consider that I'm not sure if I read in other comments or not (there were a lot of comments!)... I'm not sure if you do any work with weights but if you tend to do strength training with high amounts of weights, it could be that you are burning fat but gaining the weight back in muscle.

    If you aren't doing weights then definitely consider what others have said on this thread. If you are doing weights, high repetition sets with low weight will help to tone muscles rather than build them bulkier.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I'm right there with you. I started in January too. It's really frustrating at times. I felt like crap when I was eating 1200-1500 calories. I got a Bodyfit Media to track my calorie burn so I know for sure how much I'm burning. I eat anywhere between 500-1000 calorie deficit a day according to what my BMF says I burn. I found out I actually lose better when I have a deficit of closer to 500 than 1000. But, even that isn't consistent with me. I did a round of Hip Hop Abs, then a round of Turbo Fire and now I'm doing a Turbo Fire/Chalene Extreme Hybrid. I walk the dog for almost an hour everyday. I am constantly on the go with my kids. I won't lose for weeks on end, then I'll lose 2 pounds. I'm like someone else who said they have been losing 2-4 a month. I really can't do much more than what I'm doing so I have no choice but to accept that this is how it's going to be. The only reason I have for me losing so slow is being over 40. I turned 43 in May. When I was younger and lost weight after having my 4 babies, I lost a lot faster. I wish I had more advise to give you, but it sounds like you're doing everything right. Just know I really feel for you and know exactly how you feel.

    Thank you - I know this is not reassuring to you but it does help to think that there are others in the same boat as me.

    I'm thinking about looking to getting a PT who will advise and then once I have that info I will have to let him go (couldn't afford it!) Unless there's anyone on here that wants to offer 'free' advice??? lol

    I turned 40 in February so maybe it's to do with my age too. god damn it! lol

    thank you. x