e_hayes Member


  • That's incredible progress!! Congratulations, keep it up!!
  • Welcome to MFP! This community really helps motivate me, and I'm sure it will do the same for you! Everyone is super supportive. I kinda fell off the bandwagon, myself, so I'm starting up again. Good luck!
  • I had a similar sort of thing happen right after I graduated college in a lull period before I started my job. I definitely ate my emotions and gained a lot of weight, and I'm still working to get back on track. But on the right track!! You can definitely do this! Don't think of it as a sad story, stay positive!! You did…
  • Don't eat tonight (unless you're absolutely gonna-pass-out starving). Your metabolism slows down while you sleep so you're body won't burn anything you eat now. Just go to sleep knowing you kicked butt with your workout today!
  • Seriously inspirational! You definitely motivated me to keep going!
  • I'm in! Looking initially for 15, but 20 would be amazing. Anyone can add me if they want!
  • This thread is SO inspiring!! Everyone has done such great things here!
  • You can add me! More support is always better!
  • Most articles I've seen say that a waist above 35" indicates a risk for heart disease. As far as "ideal waists," it really depends on your body type (ecto-, meso-, endomorph) because everyone has a different "healthy" waist size. The ideal waist to hip ratio is 0.8 if that helps?
  • Hi all! I'm Erin, 22, currently living in Corpus Christi, TX. I'm brand new to MFP, and have never really done fitness challenges before. I hope it helps keep me on track! Through my own workouts, I've lost 15 lbs since last summer, but haven't really been able to break this plateau. I need some motivation, and probably…
  • I'm new to MFP, so hopefully these challenges help me stay focused! NSV - My "nice jeans" from this past summer are now my "fat jeans" (probably not PC to say, or conducive to the weight loss goal, but oh well...) CW - 163 GW - 155 4/1 4/8 4/15 4/22 4/30