ranchel1 Member


  • Your diary shows that you're eating a lot of processed foods - try eating more fresh fruits and veggies instead, this will help you lose the weight. Even if you're staying within your calorie boundaries, eating tortilla chips and pizzas aren't going to benefit your body. Be kind to it and it will reward you!
  • If you're craving sweet carbs, how about a banana? If you're doing enough sport, you should lose the weight again pretty fast - don't worry about eating the odd sweet!
  • I suffer from insomnia from time to time, and there are a few things I change that encourage a good night's sleep after any terrible ones. Chamomile tea before bed works wonders for me, as does valerian tea. I would tend to avoid carbs in the evening, so your stomach isn't too full when you're trying to sleep. Instead,…
  • Hey Robin, I'm on MFP to help me gain muscle. Our goals are essentially the same though - we both want to get fit and treat our bodies how they should be treated. My MFP friends are a huge inspiration, they cheer me on when I've forced myself to go to the gym when all I wanted to do was eat ice-cream. I've signed up for a…
  • I'm a UK size 10 (US size 6) and I'm using MFP to tone up a little...I'm not overweight per say, but I still have cellulite. I have pretty much resigned myself to it, but HAVE noticed that cycling and drinking lots of water/green tea helped a bunch. There's no quick fix, but it's reduced my cellulite to an extent!