

  • I love to run outside but have been doing the weight lifting regularly for 6 months now while continuing to run 3x a week. I am also fed up with my stomach. No complaints about the rest of my body. What can we do? Will running help the tummy fat? Because I have ran longer than lift and the belly is still there....
  • Great post. I am 23 and started running 4 yrs ago. My hip started hurting within the first 6 months. Left hip, as well. IT definitely feels like a bruise when I touch it and can feel it when I wake up. I did not stop running, I also, did not like that suggestion. I have just dealt with it, knowing that I will most likely…
  • 5'0, 23yrs, 115 lbs. Goal weight, 107? Kind of struggling with this. I run, I lift, and no change in scale or measurements. This is the heaviest I have been. Mostly worried about inches and toning rather than the # on the scale. However, seeing 115 is still a bit rough!! Great thread, it is eye-opening reading how women…
  • The trainer is the fitness director at our local gym. He manages about 10 other fitness leaders. Our gym is ran through our park district and is definitely one of the more impressive ones around. I do not know his specific credentials nor would I know what they meant if I asked!! (I will have to do some research first) I…
  • I have the same problem. I want to do abs, but always end up just doing a few sit ups after my run. I love to run and there is no feeling better than when you are done. It is so good, I usually lose the energy to complete the abs full force. I need some motivation in this area.
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