daxa_yen Member


  • lol, I'm in, just remind me!!! I'm gonna try one before, right now ;)) funny, grocery shopping. That amount of veggies is usually for me for two days only ;)
  • If you are trying to lose weight, avoid them at all. Try to keep on lean meat instead. Or protein shakes are also good choice. If you do not have any other option, like having too much exercise during the day, not having time to have really full stomach, try to find some which are not so sweet in taste despite they have…
  • It's really hard decision, if you wanna take it for longer time.. Try to find one without many additional ingredients. It doesn't seem so, but your body has to struggle also with all those not necessary additives... I have Vitamin Shoppe ENhanced Whey Protein and mix it with some fruits, juice or just plain 2% greek yogurt…
  • Great questions, so it means great beginning for you. But the most important question is what is your goal. Do you wanna loose, gain muscles or? Let's start with this at first ;)
  • Hey, you can adjust your protein/carb/fat amounts manually. Do you want to loose/gain or keep on your present weight? All of these have different recommended amounts of those three compounds. I, for example, have my daily income adjusted to 45% of proteins, 30% carbs and 25% fat... wanna loose weight without loosing…