imacrazycatlady Member


  • Machines GROSSLY overestimate calories burned. Do not believe what the machine tells you.
  • Absolutely with the folks who said switch to the half. Too much too soon ends up in injury. I've seen many people start with the marathon distance only to end up sidelined for long periods of time. It takes years to build true endurance. Be kind to your body and stay in the running game by building up to the marathon…
  • First see a doc to make sure there are no actual heart issues. Then, until you build a strong aerobic base, work at a "conversational" intensity -- meaning you are still able to talk in complete sentences. No gasping for air in between words. As you get stronger, you'll be able to work harder at that same intensity.
  • First, to get an accurate reading, if there is a facility close to you that does hydrostatic weighing (water immersion) or has a Bod Pod, it's worth the $ to get it done right. Hydrostaic is the most accurate, but the Bod Pod is pretty accurate too, and you don't have to get wet. Lots of universities have Bod Pods for…
  • A little bit of stevia, ground ginger and cinnamon. Fantastic and adds zero calories to the yogurt.
  • PFfor sure, particularly since you say it is at its worst in the morning. I battled PF for an entire year and eventually had to have whole blood injections into the tendon to fix it. Good news is that most folks don't get it that bad. Have your hubby visit a massage therapist or preferably a neuromuscular therapist who…