veggieburger1 Member


  • I like indian lentil soups like this:
  • 1 T olive oil 1 onion, roughly chopped 2 lbs tomatoes, roughly chopped 4 cloves 3 cloves of garlic 1 boullion cube 2 ½ c water ½ tsp dried parsley 2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp flour 1/2 tsp sugar salt, pepper and cayenne to taste No cream and still super delicious! The youtube page has…
  • approximately 1/4 c balsamic, 2T mustard, salt, pepper, italian seasoning and maybe 1/2 T honey. taste and see if it needs anything. super delicious!
  • try measuring yourself, esp if you're excercising! i had a month where i only dropped like 2 or 3 lbs and was feeling a bit discouraged so i took my measurements and realized i had dropped inches everywhere! a boost to my morale for sure. i know you don't have measurements to compare to right now but if you take them now,…
  • Oats with zucchini grated in for bulk and a little extra veggies. It really doesn't change the flavor much and usually I add in some stevia, salt and cinnamon and I love it!
  • dill pickles! they're super salty and v low calorie- like 0-10 cals per serving
  • I buy new clothes when my old ones start getting baggy. I try not to spend much though as i am still losing weight so i do consignment stores/ marshalls/tjmaxx. I think trying on clothes and buying smaller sizes along with having clothes that fit you and make you look good is extremely motivating and can help you on your…
  • ^^ agree with what she said! Make room for the things you want and try to make healthier choices. like maybe instead of 5 cookies, get a pint of halo top ice cream (only like 250-350 calories per pint) and while I dont recommend eating the entire thing, even if you DO it's still probably lower cal than 5 cookies. Or, I…
  • i like carrots and hummus, or lunch meat with lettuce as a wrap. you could also make a sandwich on low-cal bred and take it with you.
  • i had a date with an incredibly hot guy yesterday (who's super fit and also super into me) and then saw myself naked in the mirror today and was so into myself! I still have 10 lbs or so to go but D*MN I look good!
  • nutritional yeast is a great way to get b12 into your diet! it's not like regular yeast, it doesnt leaven anything but it is very tasty and you can just put some of it into any type of savory foods you may be cooking! also, maybe try out chia seeds (google the benefits) and some great (though maybe not so great for…
  • i loooove chia seeds. i have them most mornings for breakfast when i make chocolate overnight oatmeal (so filling and seriously tastes like chocolate-banana tapioca-y pudding!) you can throw it together in 5 minutes the night before you want to eat it and basically all you need is: 1 banana, mashed 1 tsp cocoa powder 1 cup…