

  • Have you ever read The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet? It is a fantastic source of fitness inspiration and I would advise EVERYONE to go read it. The problem you have is probably too much caloric density (CD) in your food. I'll explain with an example: A donut has more calories per gram than lettuce, right? Obviously! So, say…
  • Easy solution: pick up a glass of whatever everyone else is having, whether it be booze or cocoa or whatever, and just hold it the entire time. Don't eat anything you don't want to, just hold onto that glass. If anyone pressures you to eat something, just hold up the glass and say, "No, thanks, I'm good!" or "No, this is…
  • https://www.facebook.com/notes/jonathan-kaleb-long/10-facts-about-weight-lifting/10150422673936783 This is some information about weight training. The primary thing for you to remember is that weight training gives you more muscle. If you eat more protein, you will develop more muscle more efficiently. You may gain several…
  • Medium Over-Easy Egg on Whole-Wheat slice of toast. Add in garlic salt and crushed red peppers to the egg while it is still runny on the pan for a more biting flavor. Has the protein, carbs, and fiber to help start your day and is filling beyond belief! Only 200 calories? Why, yes!