

  • Welcome back. I am new to MFP and have yet to really jump in and get busy so I will be more than happy to support you and hope you will do the same. You are a great example of what can happen. Keep on keepin' on.
  • I think you know what you need to do. Get down to a specialist as soon as possible and I mean go see a cardiologist; something is not right and I would venture to say that it has something to do with blood pressure. Please be careful and don't push yourself until you see the Dr.
  • This is very deepseeded. Try to stay focused on your goal, mom's will be mom's and they sometimes (all the time if your talking about mine), knock down when they are trying to encourage at the same time. It's frustrating because we really can't tell them or show them our anger out of fear that we hurt feelings. Be true to…
  • Don't be fooled. If you are not Celiac, you should not be going gluten free. You need the fiber, if you go gluten free prepare to suppliment your diet with some kind other kind of fiber. Flax, hemp protein...etc. My wife is Celiac and dairy intolerant so life is very frustrating for her. You may need to train yourself to…
  • And tomorrow is a new day. Get up, dust off, and get back on the horse.:smooched:
  • Add me to your list. I will do my best to encourage and support. Remember, we got here together, we will rise above together. We will have great days, good days, not so good days, and bad days, but if we support one another....we all become champions of our weight.
  • Thank you Jillian, I will send you an invite. I am already getting pumped about this. The support from total strangers is kind of wierd but really cool as well. Thanks again and Aloha. Kevin
  • Thank you. Wow, this is so cool; support from stangers is actually kind of more encouraging.
  • Good luck to you as well. I am already liking the encouragement and willingness to help. We can do this and we can stick to it right?
  • Thank you, I am excited to see what happens.
  • Thank you. I am very excited to get going with some kind of program.