

  • try to stock up on the fruits and veggies and after go for a lovely hike in the woods! falling of the wagon every now and then is ok, just make sure you get back on again tomorrow! Remember you are in this for the long haul, not the short term. Good luck and enjoy your day
  • to tone arm's, legs, waist, hips---- the whole body-- try water aerobics, it has to be the best fitness program ever. Yes there are some little ol' gray haired ladies in the class (me included) but the young ones get a workout too! Especially if taught by someone who does cardio for the first half of the class and firming…
  • I am saving the measuring tape for some day when I get discouraged, and need that boost of proof that the plan is working! Today is the 1 month anniversary of starting the program and I am down, 14.5 lbs. YIPEE!