

  • I'm new to MIM and I was wondering where you get 'flax meal'? do you grind your own flax seeds or is it available somewhere?
  • I try to keep my carbs to 40g per meal. I love this recipe book "8 Grams or Less Low Carb Recipes" by Better Homes & Gardens. It's an older book but it's still available on Amazon. I've tried many of the recipes and most of them are really good. The best thing about the recipe's is that most of them use 5 ingredients or…
  • Hi, I'm trying to eat lower carbs, around 40g per meal. I have found that soup (read the labels!) are a good way to reduce carbs and fat. It's easy to make a big batch of soup, then freeze portions. That way you can enjoy it often without having to prepare a meal. My sister in law gave me a great tip, to prepare salad…