butterbeanz Member


  • I have opened my diary. As I said, the last month or so it has been quite erratic - probably my logging was more dedicated a couple of months ago. If I eat vegetables and salad I sometimes don't log them - so if it looks like I am just eating parsnips for a meal then it is just that I didn't log broccolli and carrots. I do…
  • Thank you for all the replies. More useful advice and info than I got from a £180 doctor appointment! I do know that I sometimes eat quite a lot of cr@p but I do try to accurately measure the calories in the cr@p :) My logging has been a bit hit and miss lately as I have been finding the lack of progress really…
  • Thank you :) I will look for the group, and definitely buy the Radio Times.
  • I appreciate peoples comments, but unfortunately as we all know - diets, like clothes, are not "one size fits all" and I find this kind of diet far easier and sustainable than anything else I have tried. I am fat, not stupid, and I have researched fasting diets, particularly for the health benefits. I am not advocating…
  • Thanks for the replies. Portion sizes are not my problem, and I very rarely get take-away food. But I am quite a bad snacker, so on an average day I would have very little breakfast and lunch, reasonable dinner and then snack in the evening :( I know what I eat is not always great (big fan of sandwiches!) but I still don't…
  • Hi I need to lose 100+ too! I am in the UK, and like a few others have had a couple of goes at this but this time is definitely going to be the last time :) Please feel free to add me. xx
  • Hi Natasha I have about the same amount of weight to lose as you, and I only joined five days ago but already I have lost a good few pounds. I think it is the fact that tracking everything makes me aware of the snacking I didn't seem to notice before ;-) Good luck, and I am sure you will start seeing results very soon - I…