linda4 Member


  • My July goal was to eat 1060 calories daily or less and 3 or 4 times a week do two "Total Body Sculpting" shows (aerobics and weights) with Gilad J.; along with a 45 minute to 1 hour walk on the treadmill or outside. Then on the weekend, I would eat about 1500 calories with little or no exercize. The wheels come off on on…
  • Thanks for the response. I started in earnest five weeks ago. I'll go back to 1200 calories. I was trying to stay around 1060 calories (since my goal weight is 106) during the week and around 1200-1500 on the weekend. I tend to lose during the week and gain it back on the weekend. The key must be consistency. Thanks again.
  • Oh my goodness, this is so interesting. I wonder if I could tag on and ask your advice. I'm a 5' 0", 120 lb woman looking to finally get in shape...possibly for an upcoming wedding 9/20. What do you recommend I do? I've tried 1200 calories but I only lost .25 lbs a week and that is so easy to put back on. How many calories…
  • It could be water. Please don't be discouraged. "The Biggest Loser" contestants also exeperience this fluctuation. Try to only weigh yourself on a weekly basis. This sort of thing happened to me and I learned that stepping up my walk from 1 mile to something close to 2 miles (well, it's my goal of 2 miles) daily helped me…
  • My favorite snack is red grapes. This high fiber, juicy snack is easy to nibble all day long. I'm a "grazer" so keeping to my 1200 calories was difficult until I discovered them. Try the seeded variety and they seem to last even longer.
  • Hi, My name is Linda and I'm introducing myself because my older sister made fun of me....yet again. I'm on my fourth week and have still only lost 2 pounds. Love this stuff.:sad: I'm sure things will start to happen this week.:bigsmile: Happy now Sue:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: Have a great, low cal day! L-