maybe a half piece of toast with a little peanut butter on it, just enough to have a little something in the stomach. On race day always a banana, peanut butter, and toast
can I have a seat here too :)
Feel free to add me! I am in same place, Ill eat better for lunch , then I blow it Ill eat better tomorrow oh and I am a good talk on Sunday night lol
wow great success, I joined a few months back but didnt stick with it, I didnt really realize all that this site had to offer. ps nice bike!!
Name/ real name: kyntor4/ Shannon Goal weight on May 31st : 158 5/01: 165 5/07: 5/14: 5/21: 5/28: 5/31:
Just downloaded the app to my phone last night, had it on once before but didnt stick with it decided to check it out online and very amazed at the support , info , and community out here. Would love the same to help support and get a little in return :) ps how are you getting those cool little pounds loss charts?