Needs some Supportive followers!

Im sick and tired of being overweight. I'm not to concerned with the numbers, but I just want to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin...and right now I don't!! My biggest problem? I'm a procrastinator! "I'll go to the gym later" "I'll do it tomorrow!" "diet starts after the weekend!!" you name it I've said it.

I need help! I need encouragement. All my friends are skinny Minnie's and it's like they can eat a ten pound tub of fat and not even gain a pound!

I'm hoping if I get some followers it will encourage me to get off my butt and take action!


  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 99 Member
    I feel the same way about going to the gym and I need some *kitten*-kicking to just get started! However, I do find that having more people on your friends list is helpful. Feel free to add me. :)
  • ShyGirl8926
    Feel free to add me! x
  • kyntor4
    kyntor4 Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am in same place, Ill eat better for lunch , then I blow it Ill eat better tomorrow oh and I am a good talk on Sunday night lol