

  • Hi there I am just starting this diet, have managed two days this week, fast day tomorrow. I know the jury is out re whether to eat the cals at one go, but just wondered what you guys are doing? Cheers clair
  • Yes I am sporadic, mostly cos of long hours and no smartphone to input details. I don't always get to a computer (husband works 24/7 on it) but I am going to make a point of doing it every day and give myself two weeks, hopefully then I'll see a change! Just washed the dog, that took some effort, wonder how many calories I…
  • I have opened up my diary. My food choices are limited as I am VERY fussy (probably won't help weight loss) and have two very small children, and run a business (excuses i hear you say?) I do find time to exercise (very early or very late!). TAke alook and let me know, current weight today 129lbs so put on a couple!!!!!!…
  • Hi christine, I would be keen to hear people's views on this too as I have plateaued, for about a month now. I am sticking to calories as set my MFP and exercising, (gone kettlebell mad too!) but no weight shift and no change in my measurements. Anyone got any great suggestions for us?
  • I always make a point of being too sociable to eat!! honestly, it really works, you just don't have time to eat cos you're too busy chatting!
  • Hi. I am a bit older too, 41 with two children aged 10 and 13 months. I have only a few pounds to lose now, having lost about 10lbs of extra baby weight. It's hard staying motivated when no one around me diets EVER! I am an emotional eater, and even right now as my daughter is having a sleepover party I am anxious about…
  • Thanks for your replies. I will incorporate weights in my workout, in fact my sweet husband bought me some kettlebells and a DVD for my birthday (Trying to tell me something huh?!) but seriously they are fun to work out with (fun???!!) I am not after perfection by any stretch, but just that feeling where you know you are…
  • good advice from electronica. i am a podiatrist, and would definitely recommend rest and ice as it's a tricky tendon to heal fast! Also when going upstairs remember to put your whole foot on the step and not just the ball of the foot, but the stretching as electronica described is fine. you may have a foot function problem…
  • oh wow, thanks so much guys! i am not breastfeeding, really wanted to but i take meds that could pass to baby. your advice is great! I really don't drink enough water, and I do love breakfast cereal and bread (although I measure and count calories for EVERYTHING). I have about 14lbs to reach my goal weight and was really…
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