no weight loss

Ive lost of weight prior to mfp. Last three weeks ive done pretty much nothing. I stayed the same first two weeks lost .5 lb as of monday but now right back up to same number as before. I only have about ten more lbs to lose. Im not sure if I should take a weekend off maybe or what? Suggestions


  • clairaustin
    Hi christine, I would be keen to hear people's views on this too as I have plateaued, for about a month now. I am sticking to calories as set my MFP and exercising, (gone kettlebell mad too!) but no weight shift and no change in my measurements. Anyone got any great suggestions for us?
  • PBJunkie
    Sounds like you need to recalculate your calorie needs.

    Either do more cardio or slightly decrease your calories to resume weight loss. This will ensure that you remain in a deficit.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    How you eat is a HUGE part of your weigtloss. Since we can't see your food I can't help. Please enable you diary. But, without seeing I'm guessing you're not eating enough. That's common, especially with women. You all have a condition call...Idon'thardlyeatandIexercisemoreandIstillcan'tlooseweight. It's a doozie!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you want some constructive help then you need to open up your diary, as it could be loads of things! The main ones being not eating enough if you dont eat your exercise cals, or eating too much if you dont measure your portions. Maybe you need to look at your exercise routine and change that or add more strength training??
  • clairaustin
    I have opened up my diary. My food choices are limited as I am VERY fussy (probably won't help weight loss) and have two very small children, and run a business (excuses i hear you say?) I do find time to exercise (very early or very late!). TAke alook and let me know, current weight today 129lbs so put on a couple!!!!!! thanks guys really appreciate the input!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I went back a ways in your diary and your logging has been sporadic, at best. You could easily be eating too little, which will stall your weight loss, or too much which would put you at maintenance calorie level, hence no change in weight.

    Start logging consistently EVERYTHING you eat and drink. Make sure you reach your calorie goal daily, getting as close as possible to the number MFP gave you to eat. I bet you'll see changes.
  • clairaustin
    Yes I am sporadic, mostly cos of long hours and no smartphone to input details. I don't always get to a computer (husband works 24/7 on it) but I am going to make a point of doing it every day and give myself two weeks, hopefully then I'll see a change! Just washed the dog, that took some effort, wonder how many calories I burnt doing that?!?!