

  • Definitly take something for that reflux. I take prilosec, and I avoid high acidic foods or triggers that can make it worse. I make sure I get enough water and watch the sugar. Small meals through out the day seem to help me. I do 5 to 6 meals and log the extra ones under snacks. Dont lay down after you eat, make sure you…
  • YESSSSS! I DO!!! Im a stress eater, and meal times are hecktic around my place. I have twin 2 year olds and a 3 year old, who all clammer for food like they are starving at every meal! Its way to easy for me to pop something into my mouth while Im measuring, stiring, baking or grilling.
  • My reward to myself for loosing 20 lbs is getting to get all my cute jeans and tops out of those boxes they've been in since before my twins. The next 20 lbs gone Im going to victoria's. :) The next 20 gone, I will probably have to buy all new clothes. Im still in shock thinking about just loosing that much... Once I get…
  • Im not sure how to send requests yet, Im a newbie, but you can add me or whatever. Im working on loosing weight too. Not so easy with a house full of kids :)