Changing habits

I'm in my 2nd month without alcohol. Yay! I feel fantastic. I wasn't a serious boozer but it was getting in the way of my weight loss and "moderate" food intake.

Now I notice other behaviors popping up that are worrisome and that I want to change.
Before teaching yoga, I was a freelancer who worked at home most of the time. As a result, being home in the middle of the day has become a stressor and a trigger to eat mindlessly. This is very irritating.

I'm trying to identify those times when I get stressed just being home and expected to do "work" and before I reach for a mind-numbing food session I want to replace it with something else that is not stressful. Soothing but not food. I have a list and a plan but I'd like to know if anyone else has this problem and is tackling it now or has successfully changed unhealthy habits where food is concerned. What was your plan? What did you read?

Thanks and as I've been reading I found this quote quite nice, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle

Keep it up MFP warriors!


  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    It's been a week since I posted the above with no response.
    Boo hoo. Oh well.
    I'm posting again because I keep failing in my attempts at breaking old habits. Tried again yesterday. My willpower held up until the evening and then forget it. The freshly baked bread I made and fancy cheese were calling.
    Again, any advice on this would be mightily appreciated.
  • AprilPayne24
    Hi NC! I am a stress eater as well. As soon as my baby starts crying or my husband starts getting on my nerves (ha ha!), I would reach for the cookies/chips, etc. I know this might sound weird but it could be totally possible since you are at home...but when I start to feel the craving coming on, I would brush my teeth. No one likes to eat with that minty taste in their mouth. And it makes me feel fresher. Also, gum! You can chew, chomp, smack your lips...whatever it takes to relieve that stress! :) Hope this helps.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    just don't buy the fancy cheese or make the bread. If i had crisps and chocolate in the house I would eat them all. Solution - i don't buy them in the first place. My advice would be to buy more healthy options and then - when you do get the urge to eat mindlessly you will be eating less damaging snacks. Another idea would be to have some flavoured water to hand (flavour with lime or lemon juice).

    A non food option would be to go and do an activity such as some housework or go for a walk for 5/10 mins to relax and take your mind off food.

    Hope this helps and that you get more replies!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    When you are home, make it a habit to log BEFORE you eat.
  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    I know when I'm at work, my self control is very good and rewarding, but Its like a ticking time bomb... As soon as I get in the door at home, its like my hunger increases 10 fold, and makes me want to graze. I don't know why. I think its a mind thing. So, I've been walking in the door drinking water to subside that feeling of hunger. Its healthy, yet filling at the same time. I do still sometimes have a small snack, but Its getting to the point where its almost irrelevant. Maybe I added another thing for you to try. We shall see. Oh, and I like the post Kcoftx said... Log BEFORE you eat. That way you have to take the time to realize what you are about to shovel into your mouth... That was another bad habit of GOOD LUCK!!!
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks all for your replies!
    Sorry it's taken so long to reply. (Why doesn't MFP notify me of replies to this thread? Something in my settings?)

    Part of the reason for the delay in response is that I was away for about 2 weeks. First in Portland, OR visiting friends, then in Baltimore visiting family. Both were great. I could easily live in Portland.

    At the airport on the way to Portland I bought the book. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I HIGHLY recommend it.

    All of your suggestions seem, in a way, in line with what he writes about changing a stubborn habit. First is to be aware of why you (or I) may be reaching for the "wrong" foods. Is it really the food you're craving or are you bored, stressed, tired, sad, need a distraction? He was very methodical in breaking one of his own habits which was eating a chocolate chip cookie every afternoon. If anyone is interested. I will write another post with the whole method. I'm writing it down for myself too.

    This is the first time I feel empowered with a way out of the same unhealthy habit loops. Yay!
  • RoxyLDN
    RoxyLDN Posts: 96 Member
    What might help you is doing some exercise/sport. When you feel this is coming just go out for a short walk.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Glad it helped you. Sounds interesting! I find the only way to avoid it is don't buy it. Nothing else works... X
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Just for the record, I don't have that much weight to lose. I'm pretty close to my goal.
    Overall I live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I'm a Bikram yoga instructor and I practice 4-5 times per week.

    On weekends I'll eat just about anything (while trying to keep a watchful eye on portions, heh heh), but during the week it's mostly delicious green smoothies, fresh veg juices and salads. I bake my own bread so I know what's in it and try not to buy the crappy stuff. I don't see myself giving up bread. :)

    The advice given here is great and I use a lot of the tricks offered already. In my home there is a ban on chocolate, chips of any sort, cookies, wafers, etc. My husband rolls his eyes about it but I don't care. I don't like chewing gum all the time (a dieting trick I used to use) b/c my jaw gets sore after and it leaves a funny taste in my mouth.

    My biggest reason for using MFP is to keep myself accountable what I'm putting in my mouth. I love the journal! Also, I have nasty little habits around food that thwart my efforts at keeping my weight in check. I've done Weight Watchers, fasting, Master Cleanse, etc. Being accountable to a community helps a bunch. Thanks MFP! Thanks to you folks to responding.

    I'm working now on planning around those times when I know I will feel the urge to graze mindlessly and try to figure out why. I don't want to chew gum or get uptight about certain foods in my home when I'm in my 80's, know what I mean?
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Anyone out there have a problem eating while cooking?
    I do!
  • BB2715
    BB2715 Posts: 5
    Anyone out there have a problem eating while cooking?
    I do!

    YESSSSS! I DO!!! Im a stress eater, and meal times are hecktic around my place. I have twin 2 year olds and a 3 year old, who all clammer for food like they are starving at every meal! Its way to easy for me to pop something into my mouth while Im measuring, stiring, baking or grilling.