

  • I weigh myself Friday mornings. That way I've had time to recover from my cheat day the previous weekend and bust my *kitten* with clean eating and exercise for 4 days straight. =)
  • I started taking CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) as a supplement and it was recommended to take it with thermogenics. I found every time I took the thermogenic then exercised my workouts were shorter because I felt like I was going to throw up and pass out. It was WAY too high in caffeine for me. Also after taking it for…
  • I do the same thing as you! I pretty much eat whatever I want over the weekend so that I have something to look forward to and I don't feel deprived. I want to make it clear i'm not BINGING but if I feel like eating a slice of pizza then i'm not going to get mad at myself. I'll eat super clean and workout all week so I…
  • OMG you MUST try Optimum Health Nutrition pro complete 40 in strawberries & cream. It is DELICIOUS BEYOND WORDS!!!! They also have a rich chocolate cake flavor that is super good. Its 203 calories for 2 scoops.…
  • You can also try shirataki miracle noodles or house foods shirataki noodles. Both have 0 calories and are sold at most major grocery stores!
  • Wow i've been feeling like this all day today! Its miserable! I just try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible as well as get some walking or running in. This way I feel full and my mind isn't on food. Also, a big thing is I CANNOT watch food network or any kind of cooking shows haha! I couldn't resist the ice…
  • I'll admit on weekends I have the tendency to eat fried, greasy nasty food and sugary drinks. and alcohol. (mmm.. BEER) BUT, I do it so M-F I am so grossed out by what I ate over the weekend that I feel very confident and motivated to eat my healthy veggies and protein shakes! You had a "bad day" but tomorrow is a new…
  • I'm 5'7 3/4 and my starting weight was 163. I am currently at 145. Shooting for 125/120. I lost my job of 6 years and got into a horrific car accident all within 2 weeks last year. I decided to start drinking and eating anything and everything I could get my hands on... and suddenly I didn't even recognize myself in…
  • You can always do something like this where you mark times on a water bottle (10am, 12pm, 1pm, ect) and have to drink to that line by that time! It may help setting small goals for yourself to start out with. :wink: