

  • I agree that you don't really need them but at the same time they can help. I have read that chocolate milk is great as it gives some carbs and protein. I just did a bike race this past weekend and learned something about myself- I did well with food the day before and during the race -and felt great just after the race.…
  • My goals are 8 lbs by end of August. Get in good general shape- cardio, flex and strength. Sleep well so I can eat consciously- not shoving in my mouth because I feel tired and sorry for myself!
  • I'm another new one- where do I go to figure out how this works? What is everyone doing for exercise? I am mountain biking when I can - I just signed up for a 90 km Granfondo in 2 weeks- eek! I do some P90x, some 10 min Tony Horton videos, dog walks and- yeah ride when I can.
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