

  • Hey guys, I just finished my last day of Insanity! I also struggled with fatigue and frustration with my results. I have to say, I really overate while on the program -- I think I was hungry from the workouts and I didn't follow the plan they provide. With that said, I still saw results, although they weren't what I was…
  • Struggled with this my whole life, girls! Always wore two sports bras (sometimes still not enough). This is the answer, hands down: I can wear ONLY THIS: http://www.herroom.com/enell-100-sports-bra.shtml
  • Peanut Butter is delicious and wonderful but yes, high in calories. I recently discovered something called PB2, which is powdered peanut butter, they remove the fat, you mix it with water and I have to say, it's pretty freaking awesome. Not the same as peanut butter -- but it has maybe 20% of the calories, and very very…
  • Yup, you got it. Rum and diet, jack and diet, vodka diet -- any of these are on the low end of the spectrum as far as calories. I can't really speak to the carb issue, but as a girl who likes to enjoy her cocktails, I have puzzled over this much, and here are my standbys for going out and having a good old time with some…
  • I was in the same predicament and decided against it, when I learned that it only really accurate when it applies to exclusively cardio workouts -- versus the heavy circuit training workouts I do, which involve a lot of squatting, lunging with weights. I just estimate with MFP and it seems to work okay! I've lost 70 pounds…
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