richelle_ross Member


  • I am on Wellbutrin and when my doctor prescribed it. She informed me that some Anti-depressents can cause an increase weight and some can cause weightloss. I've only been on mine for 3 weeks so I don't think my weightloss is associated with it.
  • Thanks everyone. I didn't think it was too much, but like above comment, mfp has me at a low 40ish grams. I"m not as active as I should be, but i'm getting there! You can look at todays food and IMO I'm doing pretty good. With what I'm understanding I should take in about 90-100g range. I weighed in this morning at 204 and…
  • Pandora also has designated fitness stations. I like both!
  • I would love to get my hands on p90x or insanity! it would definitely help me get rid of this pregnancy weight and then some! anyone know were i could get it cheap?
  • We do live in a pretty safe area. We live in an apartment (on the 3rd floor) so we keep the stroller in hubbies car and keep forgetting to take it out of his and put in mine! Our apartment complex has a fitness center, so i probably will put Logan in the car seat and take him with me. I can't wait til the Dr clears me to…
  • Omg, wow i haven't been on here in a week i think. its been crazy..and unfortunately it showed on the scale..I gained 3.8 lbs.... :noway: :grumble: i really hope this week gets better!
  • Omg, wow i haven't been on here in a week i think. its been crazy..and unfortunately it showed on the scale..I gained 3.8 lbs.... :noway: :grumble: i really hope this week gets better!
  • well did 6.5 hours of housekeeping then did a half hour of stationary bike and calisthenics after work... did my weigh in today for tomorrow as tomorrow is gonna be jammed packed.. I'm down to 186! I lost 2 lbs!! ps... LOVE Dance your *kitten* off.... right now i'm really rooting for Reuben and Pinky, reuben is doing…
  • well, i have to say I did not get up early enough to go to the gym... i'm glad i didn't either. Work was ridiculous today.. I got my exercise in while working. my housekeepers basically didn't do well at all today so i had to pick up their slack when they skipped out because they had appointments and people to take to…
  • This is gonna be a hard week again... I"m going to have to get up early to get to the gym tomorrow and thursday or to exercise at all... tomorrow I work from 8-5, class from 6-10..thursday is the same schedule... Friday i'll be able to get to the gym after work.. I work 7-3, class hopefully i'll be able to lose…
  • Well.... Mid week last week I weighed myself and I had gained .5lbs but then I lost it again so i'm still at 188... this week is a bit less crazy so i'll be able to get in the gym more. in good news we went to the bar last night.. I had 60 ounces of water! Thats 7.5 cups! I didn't have any drinks at the…
  • fridays would be great for me as well, the contest i am doing with a friend has our weigh-ins on thursday/friday ...
  • Oye! What a crazy couple of days I've had. hopefully things will calm down now so that i can get back to exercising! I've only gone 1 day since our monday weigh in..but i have been doing a lot of housekeeping so i've burned A LOT of calories... so hopefully this coming week i can pick back up in the gym! Happy Weekend…
  • i've lost 1.1 lbs! woo! i'm just getting started! Good job everyone we can do it!!!
  • I didn't get my workout in today.. so today will be my 'rest day' and tomorrow its hard core after work. I did 7 hours of laundry at work, I consider that a work out.. I'm going bowling for a bachelorette party tonight, so that'll be a fun! Have a good night and a good sunday!
  • Along with my 7ish hours of cleaning today, i did My cardio part of the challenge, along with some leg lifts that i have to do to get my left thigh, knee and calf built back up. When i get home from class at 10pm I will try my best to get the other parts of the challenge done!
  • havent done fridays challenge yet..tho ive been getting a good work out at work for 8 hours! heading to the gym to do some cardio and the challenge...a friend of mine and myself are challenging each other.. he was told the same thing by a dr. that he needs to lose weight so each week were doing a weigh should be fun…
  • Being July 23rd..i Hope its not too late to join. I"ve been on the site for a couple months but have been on hiatus do to life! But i'm back,especially after my last couple of week. I work at a hotel doing just about everything, laundry, housekeeping, breakfast, front desk... I'm 24 years old and my left knee/leg has been…
  • I'm the same way, mostly when I'm in class. What I do is make sure its healthy snacks, or snacks that have little calories and fat, such as fruits and veggies! i've really gotten into the mini rice cakes..gum doesn't really work for me, i take it out :laugh:
  • I just added all my activity that i log on mfp to presidents challenge and i'm 61% of the way to bronze!
  • I've been doing ok. I just forget to update everyday. I'm doing work full time and school m-f at i get a bit forgetful!
  • Thanks everyone! For awhile I was able to get up early to do my exercising..I just have to keep trying. On my days off I really do try to do as much as I can. I need to find a work out buddy who will stick with me on it. I have a couple friends who gladly go to the park with me but the one only walks (slowly) and the other…
  • thank you.... and yes this site is great! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • awesome! i'm in!
  • I'm in!!! I love motivation like this!!! This will go well with the Daily challenges that Bob Harper (biggest loser) does on his site! I've just started on this site but i've lost 2 lbs in the last week! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I found this wonderful journal today. was using another site that i had to do too much research to get the info for the food i was eating. this site is amazing and easy.. my name is richelle. i'm from michigan. i'm 23 years old, 5'4", 189lbs. I'm considered 'obese'. my 'normal' weight range should bet between 107 and 125 i…