MaizeOfFire Member


  • Well thank God some of you are getting somewhere! I've been stuck. No it is not a plateau, it's just me not being able to pull it together. I have a great couple days and then either my workout schedule or my eating habits go all to heck and I kill any progress I made. But February is a new month and I'll get there…
  • Greetings all. I used to go to class at the gym, but the gym got expensive and the class schedule stopping working with mine, so sadly, I'm not going to live classes anymore. I rather miss the camaraderie of acting like a zumba fool with everyone else! I got the Exhilarate DVDs before Christmas and was doing 30-60 minutes…
  • Had my weigh in this morning. I'm down 3 lbs this week. Seems to be the start of a pattern for me: lose 3 lbs, gain 1.5, lose 3 lbs, gain 1.5, lose 3 lbs....I'm hoping this next week to break that "gain 1.5" trend, but at least I'm heading in the right direction overall. I get a facial for Christmas if I can lose another 2…
  • Sorry about that random post. Not sure how I managed to just say "T". Anyone know if you can delete posts? Thanks for the tips. Just so you know, I certainly don't intend to do zumba, ballet, and 30 day shred all on the same day! I'm nowhere near that motivated! I honestly don't know if I ever will be. But anyway, I've got…
  • Nice. Looks like everyone else is on the 30 day shred. So far I've just been walking...and walking more...and more. This past week was all about tracking calories and walking. Pretty happy with my results as I lost 3 lbs. My goal for this next week is to simply not gain. Thanksgiving and I have a love/hate relationship. I…
  • My goal is to lose 25 lbs before July. In an ideal world, I'd love to do it faster, but I have to be realistic and good to my body. I'll have to think about what to do for a reward. Maybe a spa treatment after working the whole month of July...
  • Greetings everyone! I have a B.S. in Agronomy and an M.S. in Entomology. I am now an agricultural researcher working in maize breeding.