Bunnehface Member


  • Like the poster above you said, I guess I am overly concerned about what my Doctor thinks...not "him" specifically - he hasn't been my GP for long, but GP's in general. There are a lot of people who eat badly, don't exercise and make excuses for why they haven't lost weight, and I am not one of them. I do what I'm meant…
  • I live in the UK, we use the National Health Service. A private dietician costs around £75 ($120) for a consultation, and £50 ($80) for every appointment after. I'm a housewife and part time student with a daughter to support and a wedding to pay for! This is not a financial option for me, I'm afraid.
  • I'm sure he could. I'll ask him when I want to know. And yes, he probably is aware. But how many overweight people do you think he sees every day, who are full of excuses as to why they haven't hit their target? I was proud of maintaining a good steady loss of 1lb a week over six months. Now it will appear that I have lost…
  • I am fully aware that the scale is not the only measurement of progress, and believe me I'm happy with my NSV's, but here in the UK, my GP does not take my measurements, measure my body fat percentage, track my clothes size or ask me if I'm feeling stronger! It's a straightforward BMI measurement and that's it.
  • I don't weigh myself fanatically. I jump on the scales 1-2 times a week and I don't freak out if I've gained a pound. I wait until I have held a certain weight two weigh-ins in a row before I consider it weight "lost". Each to their own, this works for me.
  • Not that I can think of...I don't follow a specific 'fad' diet - Paleo, Atkins, etc - I just do my best to make good choices and stick to my calories and it's served me well so far! I do have 'treats' occasionally like a meal out, but I always pick the 'healthiest' options, up my exercise, drink lots of water etc to try…
  • Pretty good thanks lol, I'm regular...and I'd be impressed if someone could poop 7lb!
  • I've checked my scales - they are digital - they are giving correct readings for my partner and are less than a year old, so I don't think they are broken! :huh: All I can think of to do is to keep plodding on, drink lots of water and hope it drops off again? I really hope that's the case because it was a hard two-month…
  • First of all, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss :flowerforyou: But yes it can definitely play a role in trying to lose weight. I found that I was eating well every day and exercising regularly for two solid months before the scales started to move, it's very disheartening but as long as you keep going, your body will catch…
  • Oh my word, that is AMAZING. Sharing it on Facebook right now!!! :noway:
  • I'd pay good money to have that guy visit my gym and do that! Haha! :laugh:
  • Totally true. I think I'm lazy underneath it all, if a pill could do all the work for me, I'd sign up for it straight away. I've lost 56 so far on my own the sensible way, but it doesn't stop me hankering after that quick fix sometimes when I don't wanna exercise lol.
  • I had a personal trainer tell me once that I should leave the weights for the big boys and stick to cardio, little lady. He was half my height lol.
  • Oh I've tried those and did lose some, but I'm talking about the internet ads for super-strength-herbal-I-lost-twenty-pounds-in-twenty-minutes crap! I'm a total sucker for them, lol. I dread to think how much I've spent over the years...
  • I was taking EC for about a month to help me out of a plateau and had good results with few side effects and no dependence. I appreciate that it's not for everyone, there are risks and that most will preach alternative methods for breaking a plateau but it worked for me. I lost around 10lb in a month. I didn't really…
  • This! She's right, I've tried quite a few different pills/aids/herbal supplements in the past year and none of them really do much at all, it's all you! Whenever I've been on some kind of pill, I count my calories more carefully, exercise more and generally behave myself. Then when I drop a couple pounds I'd be like "wow,…
  • She's probably just so used to seeing you a different way that it's more of a shock to her when she sees you. I doubt she's saying it to inconvenience or hurt you, she's just showing her concern the only way she knows how. To be honest, a lot of people will recommend being harsh or blunt with her, but think about her…
  • I'm 5'10 too, my goal weight (for now) is 174. Just squeaking under the healthy BMI max! If I feel I should lose another few pounds after that then I will, but a BMI of under 25 is my goal for now.
  • I wouldn't say I ever felt pretty or beautiful when I was slimmer, but I did feel more confident in myself and more attractive to the opposite sex. I've never felt attractive when I've been big. Ultimately ugliness has nothing to do with your attractiveness to other people though, I think I'm a heifer but my fiancé…
  • I don't want to reach my goal weight, stop logging and then gain any of it back. I've worked too hard to lose it, I don't want it back EVER. If that means logging for a long time into the future, so be it. It'll be worth it to be healthy. One day, when I feel really confident that I can go solo with managing my nutrition…
  • I'll be honest, I'm not in pursuit of the perfect body, which some people will probably criticise me for. Just to be a "normal" size - aka not plus size - would be huge for me. I've never been that. I'm not looking for a six pack or bikini body. I just want to be normal! I'm probably never going to love what I see in the…
  • This is a wonderful story, very many congratulations to you on your perseverance and dedication! You look like a completely different person. Very well done! :flowerforyou:
  • When I joined MFP I didn't know where to start, I had 80+lb to lose and all I did to get started was log my food. That's it. Every day, just plugging in whenever I ate/drank anything. Pretty soon I could see why I was the size I was! Within a couple of weeks I was making sure I was hitting my calorie allowance (+ or - 50…
  • Definitely! My daughter is 14 months old now, and it's taken me this whole time to start feeling like 'myself' again. Before I was a mother I was confident, despite always being a bigger girl I had an hourglass figure and big boobs, I could put some nice clothes & makeup on, go to a club or bar with my man and feel good.…
  • Well done! It doesn't matter if it's 10lb or 100lb, every loss is an achievement! :drinker: I'm 5'10 too and am aiming for under 174 for my main goal weight (am currently 205, my starting weight was 258)...but am thinking once I get there I might aim for 155-160...great to see someone my height who is pushing for healthy…
  • Great job, that's fantastic! I've been stuck between jean sizes for a while now, really frustrating as my larger size have ripped on the leg, I can't buy the next size down because I don't think they'll fit for a while yet, but guaranteed if I buy the bigger size again I'll suddenly drop 10lb and need the next size down!…
  • I'm 5'10...start weight was 258 in March, my current weight is 205. Since my heaviest weight I have done strength training with fixed weights, walking on the treadmill, rowing, cycling, and elliptical trainer at the gym. I did a 5k walk for charity in June. I find it difficult to run because of my large chest (F cup) and I…
  • Height: 5'10 SW: 258 CW: 205 GW: 174 I chose 174 as a goal weight as it will give me a BMI of 24.9, aka HEALTHY! :ohwell: I am considering changing my goal to 154 as I don't want to worry about slipping over into the overweight BMI range every time I look at a cake! Don't know if I will make it though as I haven't been…
  • Get married! Our wedding is October 2013, I'm hoping to be at my goal weight of under 174 by then (I'm 5'10) :drinker: Once that's out the way I want to concentrate on improving my fitness, quitting smoking and trying for another baby - we have a thirteen month old daughter and I'd like her to have a little brother or…
  • I had a similar problem with my dyed red hair a few months ago. I used dry shampoo as much as possible. When I washed it in the shower I either used baby shampoo (really gentle on your hair) or a shampoo & conditioner specifically for dyed hair. Red hair is notorious for fading fast, I used to keep my colour fresh with the…