privatenike Member


  • I want to join you! I've toyed with the idea of doing this for a while! I want in :)
  • I'm in CA but always down to offer some support!
  • aw bummer! I'm sorry your shakeology experience hasn't been a good one! I actually drink it every morning for breakfast, but I will admit I did have to kind of play around a bit and find different ways to enjoy it. I have to agree with your coach on the chocolate flavor being better than greenberry...but with either one…
  • congrats to all of you and kudos to you for all of your hard work! You inspire me! :)
  • This is going to sound really weird but I will share anyway :) I heard somewhere (can't remember now!) that eating a pickle helps to get rid of chocolate cravings. I don't know how or why but I am curious to know if that actually works!
  • It sure is bound to happen from time to time! Don't let today get you down tho, just remember tomorrow is a new day. Would going for a little walk or doing something a little bit active help you from feeling the guilt? Do some crunches or walk up and down a set of stairs a could times :) It doesn't have to be huge, just…
  • Exercise is a huge part of weight loss. It helps u to increase your metabolism, which helps u to keep burning calories even when u are at rest. Exercising also helps u to gain more muscle, and the more muscle u have the more fat ur body can burn. Like I said exercise is HUGE for weight loss but ur right with the…
  • Wow! Congrats on both accomplishments! That's really great.
  • I usually just mixed it with balsamic vinegar too. Sounds weird, but reeeallly good...especially on crackers!
  • Yeah, make sure you are not eating too little someone said above your body will go into starvation mode and start hoarding fat. Also, are making sure to drink enough water? Some times that's all you need to flush away that "bloated" feeling :) Just keep working hard and be patient. You're doing great and…
  • I was gonna say the same thing...maybe just a piece of fruit and then either peanut butter, almond butter, etc on your toast instead of butter. Sounds really nutritous otherwise!