lisalouc Member


  • I didn’t do very well with being AF this month. I am disappointed in myself. I was completely dry in January but this month had a few celebrations which just ignited the taste for 🍷. Nice work to all of you who were more successful! Will there be a community group for March?
  • I successfully made it through the month of January without any alcohol! None today either. Feel good but haven’t lost much weight. AF wine helps keep me from FOMO. It’s almost easier for me to have none at all vs. a glass. Harder to stop than not start. I’ve done the alcohol experiment with Annie Grace & was AF for 6…
  • January 28th- 28 days AF!🎉 I’m getting more sleep because instead of crashing on the couch after wine, I recognize I am tired and ready for bed. My face and abdomen are less puffy. I’m clear-headed. Unfortunately, I haven’t lost much weight even though I continue to make good food choices and am exercising quite a bit.…
  • Thank you for your response! I think I figured out what the issue was. If I go to the … next to exercise at the bottom, there is an option to not have the exercises alter the calories.(make an adjustment) That was on. If I click that off, it will show the number of calories exercise has been completed and will change the…
  • The cocoa covered almonds are pretty good and satisfying because the protein holds you over. I believe they are made by Blue Diamond. (I'm referring to the cocoa powder coating, not the chocolate covered ones!) Also, NuGo makes dark chocolate protein bars that are really tasty. Mint chocolate are the best! If I don't have…