

  • That's great!!! sorry im late on my comment..wasnt feeling good at all yesterday..I didnt even get a chance to workout but today Im going to :) I danced to Zumba this morning and I feel great! Thank you- you have a great day, too! [/quote]
  • Week 2 is almost over and so far so good!!!! We can do this girls!! :)
  • Week on was completed successfully!!! Now on to week 2! We can do this!!!
  • Good morning! Completed day 1 yesterday and it felt great!!! Cant wait for day 2 tomorrow!!!
  • Good morning!!! YEs!! it is a great song!!! have a greay day!!
  • Have you tried the dvd's from Zumba fitness? you get 7 dvds and believe me it is worth the price. Or maybe even the Wii or Xbox? Or another idea is go on you tube and believe me you will find lots of Zumba videos on there you can follow! turn the speakers out loud and get dancing :) I am a mother of two and a stay at home…
  • Hi Connette! Welcome!! how awesome is that!! I love Line Dancing!!! In fact, In October I will be celebrating my bday at a country bar so that all my friends and I can do some line dancing LOL. Keep it up and thank you for joining us!!!
  • Hello there!!! Once you start playing that "game" you would NOT want to put it down!!! You will love it!!! I have the Zumba Fitness dvd set and let me tell gets you moving!!! Good luck!!! You WILL survive chica!!!
  • Wow! How interesting about the calorie intake change!! never heard of that but it does makes sense..I am sure by tricking your body like that it will help not to hit plateu as easy..great tips!!! Thanks for creating this group! I definitely need to tone up my entire body..especially my arms and legs!!! I do not want to…
  • Week one here we go!!! let's do this people!!!! Have a great day everyone!
  • Hello everyone!! I am Laura and I am actually thinking about running the Chocolate 5K in October..this is sooo handy and is awesome that we can do this together..getting support from others is always a plus. I joined my fitness pal back in March but not until this week I had started using it at 100%. I did WW from…