jlbay Member


  • This week was actually a planned rest week for me. I've been seriously cal counting and pushing physical activity since mid-March. But, to keep active, I simply switched out my hard strength plus cardio program out for some dance and yoga. And while I'm calorie logging, I've been having more calories this week. I'm finding…
  • I actually like the idea of a weekly challenge, too!
  • Thank you for the boot camp! I've become much more aware and mindful. I've started some new habits, and with summer and nice weather coming, hoping to get outside a lot more. I think I'm still adjusting physically to my new fitness routines and now my sit less routines - I'm experiencing a strange combination of energy…
  • Our county as a "Farm Tour" weekend. So, i took the kids out yesterday to tour a few local farms, see animals, sample fresh foods, etc. We walked, bounced in bounce houses, and ran around all day. It was a great Saturday and such a boost to be outside and moving around.
  • Keeping music on- This also helps keep your mood up when you're trapped inside with crabby babies. At least it works for me sometimes.
  • Well, one of the reasons I finally made "getting fit" a priority is my struggle with depression and anxiety. It has been a lifelong struggle, and lately, it was getting out of control. I have very small children, and I don't want my depression to affect them. Since I've started back with a regular fitness program and made…
  • I actually had a bit of a lazy day, my Mother's Day treat, and went to see a movie and get a pedi. So I didn't focus on my moving every half hour, standing for email, etc. still managed over 2k steps, not including a long morning walk (I did park at back of lots). It's interesting how much more active my 'lazy' days are…
  • If it's maintenance level or close to, I don't do anything. If I've had a big splurge, well over maintenance, I get right back to my logging the next day, drink a little extra water, and take an extra 10-15 walk per day for the next week and don't log those exercise calories. If I know in advance I'm going to go out with…
  • Another dreary, wet day here. Ran around house with kids playing chase to burn off some energy indoors. Contemplating a few yoga poses before bed. Lots of new standing, walking, and exercising and a nice stretch session sounds really good.
  • I've got some organizing shelves coming in the mail today. Going to put them together and start organizing my laundry room. It's a disaster zone. Clean up the kid's room, today, too. THere's one high shelf in their room that is just a clutter magnet. Hoping to finally tackle it. With this staying moving, I really am…
  • It was a beautiful day. Took the kids out to the playground in the morning, and we walked to a different playground and then a friend's house in the afternoon. It is actually so much easier to keep everyone happy when we're outside!
  • At 2 months, I was not in any physical condition to workout. But, once I was, I started with walking with the stroller. I wish I'd tried a stroller strides class. It was summer with my first baby and way too hot to be outside with an infant, so I went to the mall early, before regular hours, and walked the mall with the…
  • Once you make it a habit, it does start to get easier. I'm NOT a morning person (but working out early avoids kids interference, tiredness, getting too busy to workout, and I find, somehow, I'm less hungry if I eat first thing). This is how I started: I get up at 6, drink a pint of water, wash my face, and brush my teeth.…
  • With my new pedometer and my Move Your App set, I'm making my platinum goal to sit less. I have been feeling a bit more tired, and needing to stretch my lower legs a lot (possibly also due to past injuries) with this new standing-while-internetting goal. I'm standing on an antifatigue mat at my kitchen counter, but it's…
  • Ooo- yeah, I should print this for my husband to take to work! I'm also hoping to inspire him to take his health more seriously as we're getting older and have small kids.
  • I'm a sahm and a writer, so I don't work in an office but I do spend a lot of time on the computer when not chasing the babies. I've been doing my internet tasks (email, bill paying, surfing) at the kitchen counter, standing. I'd like to get a standing desk riser for when I'm writing (that will have to come this summer or…
  • I'm a writer and I used to have my treadmill in my office and would take breaks to walk whenever I was stuck or needed to think something through. It was very helpful.
  • Was already in process on this. Have enough projects to add a little activity every day! I've been standing at counter in kitchen to do internet tasks all week.
  • Love the move your app! Great suggestion
  • I'm going to stand when I use my phone or check email.
  • Wow, thank you! I really enjoyed the site and the videos (and I watched and read while standing at the kitchen counter). Lots of information to think about. This is all perfect timing for me as I'm trying to get back into shape and move more and be a good example for my young children.
  • I took the day off on Friday. So, now on day three again. I'm going to keep trying until I get there.
  • Here's a nice explanation of the major schools http://life.gaiam.com/article/beginners-guide-8-major-styles-yoga I started out with a teacher who was trained initially as an Iyengar teacher, but who went on to study restorative yoga and yoga therapy and created her own style. So, my classes were very focused on alignment…
  • It is very similar to this ^^^ In fact, this site shows you how to use the props. It comes from "The Yoga Practice Guide: Dynamic Sequencing for home practice and teachers" by Bruce Bowditch. Just got the book last week. (Hold supported poses for several minutes) supta baddhakonasana (bolster under back, blocks under…
  • You've already gone to the doctor and had things like carpal-tunnel ruled out, but talk to your instructor, too. There could be something going on with your alignment or technique. I echo using a rolled up towel or some sort of wedge prop to take weight off your wrists. Looks like you are varying your routine and having…
    in Wrist pain Comment by jlbay March 2013
  • I can only think of one: cobbler's pose. My knees have always gone straight to the ground.
  • Yep - me too! I'm struggling today to get in a practice - first day of my period (sorry for the TMI) and it is always a rough day. Going to try a new restorative sequence for "easing menstrual discomfort" - just got a nice new bolster for this very thing!
  • Great challenge. I'd like to join, if a little late. My practice has gone from 5-6 times per week to barely 2 in the last few months. Time to recommit! I think I will pledge to practice a minimum of 10 sun salutations per day, but aim for a full 90 minute practice every day.
  • I have a similar issue - my chest is pretty large and makes some poses (like shoulderstand) uncomfortable. I'm in a teacher training and they told us: for large busted women who are uncomfortable in shoulderstand - don't do it. They gave me the alternative of viparita karani - which is legs up the wall pose - or half…