NaturallyLala Member


  • I was having this same problem and feeling the same. Last week I went and got a tape measure and continued with my workout. I lost only a pound but dropped inches! So I would say to start measuring, drink lots of water, and do some light lifting (with more reps) because muscle will burn the fat (as I'm sure you know). So…
  • OK I just made my profile viewable (I think). Thank you so much everyone for the support and advice! Im eating 1500 calories a day. I was just looking at my history and I think I could cut down on my sodium intake for sure. Im doing strength training as well so I don't loose my muscle mass but the scale is still sitting :(…
  • Hi! Im a wife and mother as well and looking to loose about 20-30 pounds! Im 5'2 and weighing in at 158. Maybe we can keep each other motivated.