LPilat Member


  • Fats will tie you over for longer so milk, almonds, avocados (guacamole) are all healthy fats. Don't go so crazy on them though. 10 almonds a day makes for a good, healthy snack. Blue Diamond has flavored ones in cans. They are sooooooo good. When you try to make good choices, stay away from sodium and high fat content.…
  • Good for you! It's always great to hear success stories. Keep it up!
  • Don't stress the little weight gains. Sometimes if you consume foods high in sodium, you can have a weight gain of 5lbs. It's not a big deal. That goes away. You can also gain 5 lbs and look it during your period. Again, your regular weight will return. You should focus on where you are today compared to when you started…