

  • Wow, thanks everybody for chiming in! I'm happy to see so many of us here. :)
  • Ha ha. There's so much to choose from! For proteins, you can eat all kinds of nuts, beans and legumes. Plus you'll want your whole grains, so pasta, rice, cereal, tortillas, etc. You'll need calcium, too, so trade your dairy milk for soy, almond, coconut or hemp milk, which are fortified with all kinds of goodies. Load up…
  • Yes, try it! I started by just telling myself I'd try it for a week and see how I feel after that. It stuck. :)
  • Sure thing, will send a request your way. I'm so stoked to see all these vegans here! :)
  • Awesome, so glad to meet you! :) Hope you're enjoying it so far...
  • I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Sounds like nyspotlight had a good suggestion... I know that the fake meats and cheeses are pretty helpful for people doing the initial changeover. personally, I don't like to eat too much of it because a lot of it is processed and full of soy. But I think a few times a week should…
  • Wow, nice to meet you guys! beckers80, I don't know how specific you're wanting me to be, but basically I eat lots of fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, pasta, nuts, etc. I make LOTS of soups and curries. :)
  • I'm glad to see a few other pole dancers here! I just joined MFP, so I'd love to connect with some of y'all. Go pole! :)
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