

  • When I graduated? Hmmm I believe right around 270. Which is where I'm at now. I was at my highest the winter after I graduated from university. I was 306 at that point. I'm at 267 now and hoping to get down to 175 eventually.
  • I love love LOVE rowing and playing tennis for outdoor sports. As for the gym, I'm mainly an elliptical man at the moment. Still too large to run on treadmills or outside, it's too hard on the knees. Usually I run for an hour or so on the elliptical (about 6.75-7 miles depending on how hard I run that day), then do some…
  • Hey there! My name's Mike. I am originally from Poughkeepsie, NY, but came to Boston for undergrad and decided to move back after a year back home with the 'rents. I'm now living in Brighton working as a supervisor at a credit union in Brookline and studying for the LSAT's. Looking to keep going with my weight loss by any…
  • Since I started this odyssey at 306lbs and I want to be at 175lbs by the finish line, I'll have to have lost 131lbs. That puts me in your camp honey! I'm at 270 right now, so I'm just under the 100lbs to go marker. We'll all make it together though! That's what these sites are for! Keep on going strong!