- Feel free to add me just got a new charge HR for Christmas so getting back on track with the fitbit
greenrun99 - my only advice so far has been the fitbit so I most likely will go with that. thank you! jaz050465 - thanks for the info. Didn't even occur to me to do a search *brain fart* lol thank you for the help & feedback. ejwme - never heard of the foot sensor but will look into it since I do own an ipod. thanks for…
Coming from a bookworm standpoint, I agree. Novels made into movie never EVER have half of what made the book great translated onto films correctly.
I would LOVE to see a PROPER sequel to Interview with a vampire since Queen of the Damned was a horrible mashup of the 2nd & 3rd book in the vampire chronicles (which is a super fun series to read...for me anywho) I agree 28 days later movies were Ehhh...In my opinion, The director for the remake of Dawn of the Dead (can't…
Read the book because my brother-in-law recommended it about 5yrs ago. Bombtastic! you should check out Brian Keene's books: The rising, City of the Dead, Dead sea.
lol I alwys tell my family/friends (quoting Captain hook from the movie Hook) "what would the world be like without Vanessa?" speaking in 3rd person always makes me happy ;op
from all the various zombie flicks I've watched....the census is this: zombies can smell brains thus only attacking living beings. BUT in movies like Shaun of the dead, as long as you acted like a "zombie" you could bypass them & escape lol
hhmm then I suspect there will be NO survivors lol. Ever since 28 days later, I swear zombie are now running marathons lol Brad Pitt in this movie does make me alittle concerned since I can't remember him doing anything even remotely horror since the vampire chronicles.
I am a fan of the good ol' fashioned rotting slow-walking lose a limb in the process type of corpse BUT having read the book, I am looking forward to catching this flick in the theaters =)
sweet, family-oriented guy!
Great idea! I love eggs and never thought of doing this....pure genius! =) thanks for sharing!