

  • I kind of think mfp overestimates on some exercises. I would try eating according to appetite today and tomorrow. You might find yourself extra hungry tomorrow if you did really have a higher calorie burn. Just try not to blow it ALL on ice cream. :D
  • As you probably know, joint pain is quite different from muscle pain and not something you should 'push through'. There have been some great suggestions about better shoes, mats, and braces etc. I have weak knees and noticed after a couple days my knees were really achy and wanted to give out on me going up the stairs. I…
  • Eating around 800 calories and working out is not healthy for you body at all. You simply need more fuel than that just to function let alone workout. My 4 year old daughter eats around 1000 calories a day and is the 25th % for weight. The reason the previous poster is gaining weight at 1200 cals is probably b/c she has…
  • Whatever you use for a may substitute, make sure you season well. Everything I tried this week was very bland. Finally decided to just slice the hard boiled eggs and dip them in a seasoning of salt and chili pepper, with cheese and crackers on the side.
  • bump for when I have caffine not alcohol in my blood.
  • 5'7 and I weighed 117 when I graduated. I never gave a second thought to what I ate or what I weighed. Current weight 136; goal weight a nicely toned 130. ETA forgot I was logged into hubby's account. That weight is for Mrs Ginsuguy.
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