gopo101 Member


  • Hi there! I'm not sure what my exact goal is yet, but I know that I eventually do want to be down at least 50 pounds. I think any support would be I am seeing no results yet and am getting frustrated. My name is Dhara, I am 22 years old, and I will be teaching in New York come September. I am extremely…
  • Station wagon
  • Hey! I'm not sure if you figured it out or not but these are two things you can go by to figure out how many calories you burn: And to add it as an exercise, do the following: - Track Exercise - Add Exercise - Type in any word in search (ex. "walk") - Scroll down -…
  • I started P90X this week - feel free to add me! Also, I agree. Why not just start tomorrow? It'll feel great once you do so!
    in P90X! Comment by gopo101 March 2013
  • This might take some time to get used to...but maybe change the habit by force? Every time you feel stressed out, maybe hop online for a few minutes and read some "success stories" or motivational stories that inspire you. I guess another practice approach is to stock your kitchen with extremely healthy snacks (or fruits…
    in stress? Comment by gopo101 March 2013
  • Hi! I'd love to join. I recently started training for a 5k (it's in September but due to an injury, I have to build up to it) & am also doing P90X Classic Version for the next many weeks. My personal motivation is that I start teaching in September and I want to be fit and healthy in my own classroom so I feel nothing but…
  • Hey! Welcome to MFP :) Just click on the username and then you'll see two green/white options: Send Message & Add As Friend. Hope that helps! Feel free to add me as well. I just came back to using it but I hope to be on much more! Good luck with everyone.
  • Hey! Welcome =) I'm fairly new too...but I love it so far! To everyone that reads this, please add me as well! I'm looking for more inspiration and motivation! Good luck to everyone on their journey!
  • Hello!! I would like to join please! Thank you!