*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hey everyone, I survived the weekend, and I had pizza for three meals! But I managed to stay under my calories every day. My husband's TARDIS cake came out great:
    photo(1) by aguppymama

    Also had a great time with my best friend, and awesome weather, it got up into the 90's! Crazy for Washington state.

    Anyway, welcome to you new folks. And keep up the good work everyone!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Well, I've been away for the weekend and so many posts and new people - welcome to you all!

    @eve - hope the trip to your sister goes ok. It sounds like a nightmarish situation - just remember your own lovely family at home and do the best you can for your niece. and don' t stress eat - come on here and grumble at us if you need to - we'll listen!!

    @rdcphone572 - good luck avoiding the chocolate cheesecake. situations like that at work do suck but it sounds like you've handled it well. Don't let them win - you are good at home and that is so much more important! And the NSV - I'll come back to you on that one. I have until Sunday right?

    @ron - welcome home - glad the shorts were a success!! Hope you had a good bbq yesterday - we certainly had the weather for it. And congratulations on the loss - great progress, particularly given the last couple of weeks that you've had travel wise.

    @magicretreat - stick with it and you've come to the right place here for support.

    @jehan - I know the feeling about the weekend. Don't get me wrong - I had a lovely weekend and we also got a lot of decorating done but it came at the expense of much formal exercise. Must get back into the swing of things this week. Well done on getting your workmates involved in the exercise bug - all mine seem to be interested in is the doughnuts and cream cakes bug! But I'm not worrying about them - I'm dedicating time to looking out for my health these days!

    @sjo68 - well done with the pushup challenge - 16 is way more than I can manage right now - I hate pushups with a passion and I'm weak with abdominal exercise anyway so it's not a good combination.

    @meg - cracking cake! I hope it went down well. Well done for enjoying the weekend and still staying within limits

    Well, like I said - a good weekend and lots of painting done - what fun!! Lovely weather here in the UK but feeling slightly unmotivated on the exercise front at the moment. Need to stir myself back into action. Hope everyone had a good Tuesday.
  • Hello everybody!
    My name is Kayleigh, I'm 25 and live in Cornwall. I am a little nervous and a little excited about posting. Nervous because this is day 1 of attempting a change for me, for many of you a real commitment and life change has already occurred. Excited also that there is such a place, for support, encouragement and sharing of ideas! Hope to meet new friendly faces to share encouragement all the way on my new journey!! :smile:
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    megblackburn- where in Washington are you? I think you mentioned it before but it went right over my head. I am just north of Seattle most of the time but a lot of my weekends are spent on the Kitsap penninsula at our future retirement home.

    Welcome to all the new faces.

    I will admit that for the last week I have been a part time logger of my eating. I don't know why. I am loggin my exercise, so why not just add the food in while I am already here. Luckily I haven't gained anything, but I haven't lost any either. I do much better when I plan my meals out for the week and I haven't done that. I guess I am going to have to find a way to get my mojo back.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @sjo68, I'm in Grays Harbor county, and I don't get out much since I work from home! Kitsap area is beautiful, especially the drive along Hood Canal. My best friend lives in Port Angeles, so I go up that way sometimes.
    Hope your mojo makes an appearance for you soon! Keep logging the food!

    Welcome Kayleigh! Keep coming back and we will celebrate your successes and push you when you need it.

    @Jane, get all the painting done? That alone is good exercise, so if you need a day of rest, go for it.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    sjo68 - great job on the push up challenge. I also have it on my phone together with the sit-up challenge. I still have to take the initial test and maybe I'll end up doing only 2. 16 is a huuge number for me, so wow.

    janeytay01 - yup, weekends will always be my achilles heel. hopefully, in time I'll just consider it an ordinary day and not a day to stuff myself and pig out. At least you had time to finish your painting.

    megblackburn - I've been reading your food diary and I'm very impressed and green with envy. You can have your pizza and eat it to, and that's a lovely and yummy cake.

    Managed to do my afternoon yesterday and my co-worker also joined me. Anyway, have to pass up on my exercise today, TOM just arrived. So crossing my fingers that I won't go over my calories again for the nth time.

    To the new faces, welcome welcome...
  • dogprsn
    dogprsn Posts: 5
    Hi! I'm Stacy, and I'm about to start another attempt at the weight loss journey. I do so much better when I can get to know and check in with people who are going through the same stuff I am.

    My goal for the next 2 days: Get all of the sugary, chocolate and carb loaded stuff out of my house, and not by eating it all!
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Hi everyone :smile:

    Well, oven is fixed (finally) and so is the computer, that's why I haven't been checking in. I've been slacking and I have no excuses for it. I would still log in on my ipod but not my food, no reason, just didn't. I also haven't been doing anything, the weather's actually been nice so I was outside with the kids, but other than that I just haven't done any excercises. I woke up this morning and decided that was enough of that slump. Back on track with my meals and shakes and I'm going to get in a run tonight and do my wall sit, plank and squat challenge.

    Hello to all the new faces :smile:
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Welcome to the newbies, this thread just grows exponentially every time I look at it, and welcome back to the faders who, well, fade for a while, then return. If you're not putting on weight, you are winning, even though it may seem like you've stalled. If you're losing weight, congratulations! It's really not difficult though, when calories in are less than calories out, you lose. Simples! (That is probably wasted on the non UK people who don't know anything about http://www.comparethemeerkat.com/. And why should they know anything about a stupid insurance website............. However I digress)

    @sjo68 - Come on girl, get with the program!! Log what you eat, it's not difficult (unless you have something to hide, in which case, log but lie! But beware, your lies will find you out. Unfortunately I'm kinda omniscient, being male, so I can see through BS)

    @meg - you are an inspiration. You keep doing it, and I feel inadequate, probably because I am. Well, in some ways. Not many I admit. Well maybe one or two. Dammit enough of the false modesty, I'm pretty close to perfect. But I still can't keep up with you :)

    @dogprsn - from another dogprsn (five dogs), Stacy you don't have to get rid of the chocolate, sugary, carb loaded, whatever stuff, you just have to not EAT it! :) I've discovered Green & Blacks organic chocolate better and lower calorie than the *kitten* I used to eat and I'm moving to the even healthier dark chocolate. My taste is changing, no doubt.

    @JuniperT - You're darn right you have no excuses! We are unforgiving in this and will send round the heavies if you don't change!! Seriously 50 lbs gone is a huge victory (and calls for photos in my opinion), don't sell yourself short, you're doing a brilliant job, just keep it up girl.

    Tonight I had scallops and prawns (shrimp) with rice (yes evdjohnson, and around five cloves of garlic with a little butter and lemon juice!). How can something so healthy taste so wonderful? (Probably the garlic. I luuuuuuurve garlic)
  • kizzybubbles
    kizzybubbles Posts: 24 Member
    WOOOOHOOOOO!!!! Back on track!! I lost track of the date and weighed in a week early - OOPS!! But that is okay I lost 2.5lbs this week!!!!!! Down 9 lbs in 7 weeks!!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Yay Gusbert! Great loss!

    @Ron, you're great! A little background on my determination... see, I have this dad, he's about as bullheaded as they come. Yep, that's about it. Dad. I'm a lot like him. In fact, had a conversation with my pastor on Sunday, he said "3 miles huh? Are you a machine?" And I said yep! And pastor Steve said "You must take after your dad", who he knows pretty well :bigsmile: Besides, you're an inspiration to me! You travel like crazy, and still manage to lose weight. Don't know if I could do that.

    @JuniperT, glad to hear things are working again! No more falling off the wagon, if you have a way to log, do it! And move that butt! Lol, this is meant to be heard in the kindest way possible :wink:

    @Stacy, welcome! If getting the junky food out of your house works for you, do it. Gotta start somewhere. And like Ron said, get your tastes to change. I much prefer a single square of quality dark chocolate over a huge calorie loaded candy bar these day.

    @Jehan, thanks :blushing: I don't know about you, but when TOM arrives, actually working out helps me feel better, cramps subside for the most part. May want to give that a try.

    Well, today is National Ride Your Bike to School Day (in the US). So guess what my sons and I did this morning? Even thought I wanted a rest day... lol. So then I decided to run on my lunch break as well, and two days in a row my pace has been at a 12:30 mile. Yay! I've got another bike ride ahead of my in an hour or so, then I've got to make dinner, and then the whole family jets off to different places for the evening. I'll be glad when Friday rolls around, Wednesday and Thursday are both very busy days for me....
  • NAC828612
    NAC828612 Posts: 2
    Hello everyone,

    I wanted to take a minute to jump in and introduce myself. My name is Amy, I've grown up in central Illinois all my life. Last summer I met the most amazing man who has stepped up to the plate and been a father to my amazing son after a terrible relationship with his biological father following a divorce and job change. After he was born I had my gallbladder out and work let me go instead of letting me recoup...So I stayed home with my son for his first 15 months. I'm about to return to work and I have a lot of busy hobbies I've picked up on the side. I love to sew, I make everything from blankets to Civil War Ball gowns and my boyfriend and I dance at Civil War reenactment Dances/Balls all over the state. We do this on the alternate weekends (and sometimes both in the same day) as we travel and pull with our competition pulling trucks. It's a lot of hard work, were maintaining my parents home where we currently live, he works as a diesel mechanic, and we make at least one trip per week of 30+ miles to his parents farm to maintain our trucks and prepare for competitions as well as the side work he does and working on the farm occasionally. When I'm not helping with one of those, I'm typically working on a new ball gown or planting flowers and cleaning the house. Im trying to stay positive about my return to work and not let leaving my son stop me from doing whats best for us financially but its been very hard. I began a diet with my boyfriend around March 8. We started it as a challenge and he obviously took off with it! He joined a competition at work that ends July 4 and the person who lost the most wins $600 dollars. Hes doing great so Im sure he will win. I've lost 11 lbs in the last two months, I should be thrilled with that but it seems like nothing compaired to his 21 lbs. I'm wanting to lose the weight for our wedding next year and to be healthier for myself, my son and in general. Im tired of oversleeping, over eating and just feeling lousy all the time so Ive spent the last 3 days outside gardening, doing yardwork and inspiring myself to do better! I even bought two new bolts of fabric this week to make a new gown for the dance at the Springfield Old Capital one month from today....I hope you guys can help keep me on track, some days I cheat terribly and make excuses for myself like "but I worked in the yard for two hours so its ok":flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone! My name is Lexi. I was on MFP religiously last year and lost over 50lbs. I had a really intense quarter at school (and I am a single mom of a 2 year old) so exercising and eating healthy went out the window. I did not make good choices, and ate what was available because it was quick, easy and saved time.

    I ended up gaining back almost all the weight I lost and I felt like I had failed myself as well as my daughter. When I am frustrated or upset I turn to food, and am an emotional eater. So the more weight I put back on the more depressed I became. I had to change my thinking habits and start from square one again.... So, six months later, I am back and determined to get this weight off. I lost over 100 pounds in my late teens, early 20's and put it all back on (plus some) because I did not continue to eat healthy. I know I can do this again. I would really like some friends to support me, as well as have others to support. Seeing your success is motivation in itself. Please feel free to add me!!
  • oofdieblunk
    oofdieblunk Posts: 60 Member
    Greetings everyone! I am Jane and I have been lurking around the message boards for a few months. February was a decent month. At first I lost 8 lbs. after logging my calories. Then I started 30 day Shred and got lazy logging in my foods. I never finished the entire 30 days. I got to Level 3 day 6 and then got discouraged when the scale refused to budge. I decided that I needed a workout with more cardio. I rode my stationary bike for a day or two. After that exercise pretty much ceased and the cleaner eating did as well. Now I am having such difficulty getting back on track again. I am up to 184 lbs. the lowest I weighed in several years was 154 (which was only last summer). I had been Vegan for 6 years and then stopped last January. I feel like a failure in regards to my health. I have a 3 year old so I am unable to exercise until after she goes to bed. There are so many things about my lifestyle that need to be fixed! I cannot get a handle on the eating. I am enjoying the foods that I haven't had for 6 years. I am hoping to get motivated by interacting with others on MFP. The excuses are wearing out and I'm gaining more and more weight and feeling worse every day. I even deleted my old profile and made a new one because I couldn't take looking at my progress chart (or shall I say lack of progress chart).
  • gopo101
    gopo101 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there! I'm not sure what my exact goal is yet, but I know that I eventually do want to be down at least 50 pounds. I think any support would be beneficial...as I am seeing no results yet and am getting frustrated.

    My name is Dhara, I am 22 years old, and I will be teaching in New York come September. I am extremely excited! There is one thing holding me back: my weight! I keep thinking to myself: "How can I be a role model if I'm not in shape? What if I can't keep up with my students?" I'm hoping that the next few months will be a great kickstart to my weight loss. I want to lose at least 30 pounds by my birthday (December), and then keep it off forever.

    I have a medical issue that sometimes slows down my exercising (Accessory Navicular Syndrome). I have been in the process of healing it for 5 months now, so hopefully I see some change soon. If I do, I'd love to start running (couch to 5K would be great!).

    Besides that, I am doing p90X but have seen 0 pounds lost...I try to eat healthy but am having a difficult time. I really hope that this group helps me out! It seems like it was a great group for everyone else :)

    ALSO, thank you in advance for your support!! :)
  • yolifoli
    yolifoli Posts: 20 Member
    Awesome amount lost! I hope to be like you!!
  • yolifoli
    yolifoli Posts: 20 Member
    Great job at losing weight. I need to get on track too!
  • yolifoli
    yolifoli Posts: 20 Member
    Getting rid of the bad foods is a great start! I need to buy more veggies and fruits!
  • My mom is sometimes verbally abusive. Sometimes she tells me she'd rather be dead because no one believes that people are constantly monitoring her and stealing stuff from her house (sorry but they didn't put that kind of effort into finding Osama Bin Ladin, so it's a little out there and yes I think it's possibly a mental problem). When she says things like that I take down the treadmill and just run til I feel better. I've lost 3 pounds since starting to use this website and all the running since I moved back last week. This is a very low time for me, but I'm making progress so that keeps me going (still stoked I can have cake if I work out hard enough).
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    My mom is sometimes verbally abusive. Sometimes she tells me she'd rather be dead because no one believes that people are constantly monitoring her and stealing stuff from her house (sorry but they didn't put that kind of effort into finding Osama Bin Ladin, so it's a little out there and yes I think it's possibly a mental problem). When she says things like that I take down the treadmill and just run til I feel better. I've lost 3 pounds since starting to use this website and all the running since I moved back last week. This is a very low time for me, but I'm making progress so that keeps me going (still stoked I can have cake if I work out hard enough).

    Mental illness is just so difficult to deal with, been there, done that and I really sympathise. Sounds like your Mom may need help and you're probably too close to tell her so - are there family or friends or even her doctor you can discuss it with? Try not to let it get to you, whatever she says is a symptom of brain chemical imbalance, not the real her. I guess too she needs your support whatever she may say.