kristin2572 Member


  • I'm really enjoying doing more yoga and found this site for when I don't want to commit to a class. It has different difficulties, full body or focused workouts and various class lengths so lots to choose from to stay challenged.
  • Oh man, a trip would be wonderful!!! Don't think I'll get anything that fancy but even a weekend away would be phenomenal. I know you'll have a blast! Mutli-year wedding renewal?? What a great idea, especially with the themes and ending with your son conducting the service!
  • I did the Isagenix 9 day program, it was far easier than I expected but the key, in my mind, was that I kept the timing of each drink, snack and meal absolutely on schedule. The second day, I stretched things out a bit longer than I should have and it really did a number on my sugar and my overall happiness hehe. I lost 8…
  • I find yoga is the quickest way to get my arms wonderfully toned! I just found this site to use for free videos to keep it interesting and challenging if you like to work out at home
  • Great work to stay at it after the others bailed! I've been on here for about 85 days, motivated and enjoying everything the site and people offer. Feel free to add me, I'm a slow runner but have been at it for a few years if you're looking for any info or have random questions. :happy: Happy Friday!
  • I have been on here less than two months but adore it and the majority of people are so supportive and motivating :happy: Good luck and feel free to add me too
  • Not silly at all!! I know I get so wrapped up in the next goal that I forget to stop and recognize all I've accomplished along the way. It's about the path, not just the end result.