shushuwafflez Member


  • Finally joined a gym!! I've been wanting to since my work outs at home have been boring me. Needed a new motivation to get me working out ^_^ So far I'm really enjoying myself~ Hope to keep up! My first con of 2013 is Katsucon 2013 in February. I hope to hit my first goal by then ^_^
  • looks like I'm back again! I've had some medical problems to get under control, and I finally got this! Now whenever I follow my goals here, I'm actually able to keep up and see results! JOY!!!!
  • yay!! other cosplayers!! lol I want to get fit so i can cosplay whatever the hack i want without feeling self conscious about how I look. my next cosplay I'm working is Elementalist from Granado Espada. Her Blue Serpent outfit. I'd like to debut this outfit for Katsucon in February, and I hope I can keep up my plans to hit…