TK_Lew Member


  • You've made great progress ! Awesome work... also you've inspired me to do a progress picture today, I really need the motivation knowing I've been making the right decisions and changes but not everything is tied to the scale.
  • Going for 200 Miles this month; I'm at 15 currently with a Half Marathon scheduled for March 20th. These miles will include walking and running (treadmill desk to help achieve this while working).
  • I have just started calorie cycling as I want to ensure my body doesn't store body fat because my calorie counts are too low. I'm not at the point of tracking macros and such ... yet as I start tracking daily consistently I'll start paying more attention to things like carbs/fat but for now its mostly calorie counts and…
  • I am in a very similar situation. I've had some success with paleo but am switching it up to Ketogenic diet now. I do workout but not consistently and need some motivation. Started keto yesterday; starting weight yesterday at 218.
  • Day 3 Week 1 4,5,4,4,5 Not as tough as I thought it would be :)
  • Day 2 (yesterday). -- The app doesn't have capabilities to post or view message boards so I didn't get a chance to update yesterday. 3,4,2,3,4 These were easier in terms of arm strength...I'm finding that my main issue is with keeping my body straight for a good pushup but as I'm 7 weeks post C Section I think that will…
  • Sore today..sad...funny and encouraging.