rhart150 Member


  • I make chicken vegtable soup and toward the end of the cooking time. I add the cooked spagetti squash. It adds a noodle like texture and is yummy. I also use it in a mexican dish: Cook the spagetti squash until done with olive oil and seasonings . 1 medium sweet or red onion, diced 4 cloves garlic, chopped Cumin and chili…
  • I have found if I plan my meals for the week including a late night snack that I stay on track and do not get the late night hunger pains. I enjoy air popped popcorn or celery. Celery in a really good snack to have around really low in calories and high in fiber.
  • I make a cold soup out of them. I just follow a punkin soup receipe. Can eat hot as well. I also love them baked in the skin and I put on my favorite fat free vinagerette. Almost anything you can do with winter squash you can do with Sweet potatoes/ Yams.