

  • Hey! My Goal is 200lb - I am 5ft 11. Looking for tall friends on here so please add me :)
  • I kinda feel ready for kids also - I'm almost 30. Soooooo many people i know have had kids or expecting. However, I wanna get into shape first for the reasons you stated. I personally would want to go back to work - purely for adult interaction and to be independent, but everybody is different.
  • I have had lots of hurtful comments over the years but last August I was at a football match with my boyfriend and after the game walking back to the tube a group of guys walked past and one shouted 'Look at the size of the *kitten* on her!!' and proceeded to slap my bum and walk off laughing. PRICK. Also had lots of 'Well…
  • Hello Everyone I have only been a member on here for a few days but like the blog/support aspect of it. I have struggled with my weight for about 18 years and have recently lost 39lbs. I have a long ways to go but would like the help and support of like-minded people. Please feel free to add me. Thanks :)
  • I feel the same - the guilt is terrible, but it is better that you know where you have gone wrong. We are all in the same situation - we just need to get back on it :) x